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Month of Collabs!

Heyo friends! I was just trying to think of what to post about and I had a really awesome brilliant idea! So… The thing is I’m gonna like put down 4 subjects to do collabs about and you have to tell me which one you want to do.

Month Of Collabs (btw I did a cool design but it wouldn’t show up because I’m using a computer that isn’t very reliable so you cn just click on the link if you want to see the design 😉 )

So June is the month of Collabs. And if you see a subject you like just comment and say “I want do a collab on this subject” and you tell me what subject you want to do a collab on. So I will post one collab every week the first four weeks. All you have to do is pick the collab you want to do first. So the first person to enter on each collab gets to do the collab they entered for.

I know this may sound confusing because I have never done anything like this so I might not be the best at explaining it so if you are confused just let me know in the comments. Anyway here are the subjects and weeks I will do each subject:

Week 1 of June: Books

Week 2 of June: Movies

Week 3 of June: Music

Week 4 of June: Summer


I am like so pumped 😁 to do this. Also just by the way when we do the collabs we are asking each other questions  about each subject (just wanted to make that clear 😉). Anyway again if this was at all confusing please tell me so I can help you understand better. I am so excited to do this!

That’s pretty much it please enter if you want to do a collab with me! 😀 Later! -Ezra


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WBV #9

Weekly Bible Verse

Ha ha! You thought I wasn’t going to post today didn’t you; I remembered! I was just a little busy today but here I am! 👌

Also everyone I wanted to say awesome job to Kaelyn who just recently made another awesome post about some neat bible verses! Great job Kaelyn you did an awesome job with the dissect! 👌

So anyway today I have another verse about how got is our safety! Anywho here it is:

Google 😉

The Lord is my light and my salvation;
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
    of whom shall I be afraid? 
Psalm 27:1

Another super cool and straightforward verse! This is a lot like the one last week. God is your light and your salvation, he is your savior and protector, he is your stronghold, you don’t have to be afraid of anything! I don’t even feel like I need to be talking about this verse, I think you probably get the picture because it’s so straightforward.

That’s pretty much all for today! Chaw! -Ezra





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Bible Verse Dissect! Psalms 91: 1-2

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my bitmoji

It is Kaelyn here from the blog Kaelyn’s Life here for my May post!!


So, this month I will be doing my Bible Verse Dissect! If this is your first time to read one of these posts, welcome and what I do, is kind of what Ezra does in his Bible verse posts he has every week, except I call mine THE BIBLE VERSE DISSECT!!

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my bitmoji

Alright, well let us get to the verse or verses in this case! I am now done with school and it is summer!! SUMMER!!

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Okay, I love summer! And during the school year, I memorized, well mostly memorized, Psalms 91. I memorized in KJV but I will be doing it in ESV today.

Psalms 91:1-2 ( ESV)

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say[a] to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”


When we dwell in the Lord, we get to be in His shadow, and he is so amazing!! If you were with a famous person and you were like OH MY GOODNESS! THEIR SHADOW JUST GOT ON ME! AWW!!

Or something like that! 😀

Well, we get to be in the shadow of GOD! THAT IS INCREDIBLE BECAUSE HE IS GOD!!

And we say to him he is our refuge and our fortress and we trust Him. I love that we can trust him and that he is like our place where we can be safe in Him. THAT IS SO AWESOME!!

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We can trust him and we get to be with Him, and he is our refuge, our protector.

I just thought of this but, how cool is it that on money it says IN GOD WE TRUST!

So, this week I encourage that whenever you see money remember how we can trust in God and that he is our protector and that we can be in his shadow and we get to have him by our side, walking hand in hand, on the journey of life.

That is all for this month’s Bible Verse Dissect!! SEE YOU IN JUNE!! 3

signoff by Megan
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What Happened Last Weekend!

Heyo peeps! Well as you all probably know last weekend was super busy and awesome for me so let me tell you about it!

So on Saturday morning we went to a party for my brother because he is in a bowling league. This was super fun because they announced all the bowlers and gave them badges and trophies and scholarship money for doing really well that season. And Jesse was able to get a $30 gift card to the bowling shop. He was awarded this because he volunteered to be a secretary and help the employees count money and other things like that, so he got a reward.

Also my grandparents were able to come to that which was great because they live kinda far away. At the end all the bowlers got to bowl so we got to see Jesse bowl. He did really well, especially since everyone he was playing with were a lot older than him, he was able to keep up with them really well! 🎳 😀

Afterwards we went to my littler brother’s dance recital. He was in tap and jazz dance classes so we got to watch him bust a move. He did really well even though he is only in pre-K!

My little sister and I had a gymnastics performance. That was super fun! I did really well; and my grandparents thoroughly enjoyed watching my sister and me. I would show you videos of it but I use the free WordPress plan so I am not able to post videos, and I don’t have any pictures. So at the end we both got trophies and then left to go see my older sisters ballet recital… XD (yeah it was a busy day).

So my my youngest brother and my older sister were in the same dance school so they had the same recital. The reason we didn’t watch them both at the first recital (there was one in morning and one in the evening) was because we had to leave in the middle of it to go to the gymnastics performance before we saw Gale (that’s my older sister’s name). So yeah we really liked watching her do some awesome ballet dances. She even did one dance on pointe (ballet on your tip toes the whole time). At the end we went home and rested; it was a kinda hectic day.

So yep we all had a great time. Our grandparents even got to stay the night and go to church with us on Sunday. On Sunday my grandpa and Jesse went to Home Depot. When they got back they had some rings that we could tie onto a tree so I can practice my gymnastics. Since I started using them it has been very enjoying, I’m glad I’m able to practice every day now. My grandpa was good at the rings when he was young, and so he was super generous and thought it would be cool if I could practice every day.


So that’s pretty much it! I just wanted share with you guys about that super cool experience! Later! -Ezra


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I Just Want to Ask Some Genealogy Questions

Okay I just spent like 20-30 minutes trying to make a cool graphic design but for some reason when I try to upload it just makes a link pop up and not a actual graphic design. So if you want to look at the graphic design click here! 😀 Anyway I just wanted to ask you folks some questions about your genealogy research if you’re doing any and if you’re not talk to me 😉 .

So first I want to show you guys who aren’t doing genealogy research some helpful tips for why you want to do it and how to do it. So here are some links to some posts I made before.

  1.  Here is a link about some genealogy tips.
  2. Here is one called How Can Genealogy Help You?
  3. Here is an awesome post by Kaelyn called Develop Your Own Research
  4. Here is a post I really liked Why do I Love Genealogy?
  5. A post called A Call to Action
  6. Here’s a post about genealogy research offline.
  7. This is a post about websites to help you with your genealogy research.

Anyway those are some great posts to help you get started with your research. Also if you have any questions about this than talk to me because I really love helping people with their genealogy.

Oh my goodness I am so obsessed with genealogy right now because I am finding out so much awesome stuff! My brother gives me a hard time for being so obsessed with genealogy XD. Anyhow if anyone has started research here are some questions for you:

  1. Do you like genealogy research? (Why or why not?)
  2. What are some cool things you have figured out about your family?
  3. Is there anything that you don’t really understand or are you confused about genealogy in any way?
  4. What is your favorite way to do genealogy research? (Websites, books, interviews, etc)

So if you have not started genealogy research please please look at the posts I have listed above and try to look into genealogy. Also if you have started some research, in the comments below please answer the questions I have provided.

The reason I like helping others with their genealogy research is because I want to see tons of people working together on this and we could change the world, I know this sounds cheesy, but what I am trying to say is everyone could know how they are related to each other. And honestly I have no idea why I think that is so important (maybe it’s because I had 2 cups of coffee this morning XD) but I think God has just put this on my heart for some reason that I do not know… So yeah just bear with me because this important to me for a reason that I can’t even explain (that also sounded cheesy). Anywho I have been going on a rabbit trail but it’s just because I’m so excited (also probably because of my love of caffeine), when I get excited I just start talking about stuff that is totally off topic like right now XD (boy I’m a mess).

Now to be normal again (Not sure I know how to do that)… 🤣😂😜😃🤣👌 Anyway yeah I just wanted to ask you guys how your research is going so please make sure to answer the questions! 😀 I’ll see you all later! -Ezra

*Decides to use other signoff because I’m excited* ???

Buh Bye!




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WBV #8

Weekly Bible Verse

Heyo everyone! I’m sorry I haven’t been posting much lately but there has been a lot of tornadoes in my state recently so I had to go to my grandparents who have a shelter. Thankfully there were no tornadoes near me! Anywho that’s why I haven’t been posting much lately. So without further ado let us begin! 😀

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

I love this verse so much! This is saying that God is our savior and he is our protector when we are scared or are in trouble he is there to save us and comfort us in times of need.

When I was little and had nightmares my parents would tell me to sing that “God is my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” So I would sing that while laying in bed and it would help me not to be afraid because I knew that God is my present help in trouble.

I just wanted to share this with you guys so that you can remember that he is your protector and you can lean on him and not be afraid. That is one of my favorite verses! 🙂


That about sums up what I wanted to say. If there is anything you liked or would like to add to this please do! Comment below and tell me what stood out to you in this verse! That’s all for now. Later! -Ezra



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WBV #7

Weekly Bible Verse

Hi everyone! Sorry I wasn’t able to get to this until now but I have been kinda busy doing nothing… Actually I just forgot (sorry).

I actually could not think of what verse to use so I literally just looked up what verses are popular and chose one XD. But anywho it still is a good one (well they all are 😉 )so here we go!

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Phillipians 4:13 (ESV)

Such a good verse! This means God is always with you because he lives in your heart so you can do all things because he strengthens you! So God gives you strength to do anything. Sometimes you might be like trying to do something and you can’t, that doesn’t mean that the Holy Spirit is not not in you. God might not want the thing that you want to happen work because he works out everything for the good of those who love God. So just because you feel like you can’t do something it is not a bad thing because God knows what is best for you (I know I’m kinda getting on a rabbit trail but new things just keep popping up that I want to talk about). So basically what I am saying is just because you think you are not able to do something that YOU think you need doesn’t mean that is what is best for you and that is why God is not letting it happen.

This happens for me a lot in life. I have noticed that when I am trying to do something that I think will help me; I fail. And that is because God knows better, he has an even better plan for me. So though it may seem like things aren’t working out, remember God works everything out for good for those who love him. I feel like I’m talking more about Romans 8:28 more than the one I was supposed to be talking about XD, but this is still good stuff to.

Anyway that was basically everything I had to say about those 2 verses actually. If you have anything to add about it please do. I’m not the best with words so I may confuse people sometimes so I need some good theologians to help sometimes XD. Anyway tell me your thoughts on the verse I want to hear from ya! 😀 ❤ C-ya! -Ezra


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Sunshine Blogger Award

“The Sunshine Blogger Award is peer recognition award for bloggers that inspires positivity and joy.”

I was nominated by the amazing Maysa Rose from her awesome blog! Thank you so much Maysa Rose, I was trying to think of what to make post about and then you nominated me for this awesome award!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  • List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts.
  • Ask the nominees 11 new questions.

Questions from Maysa Rose:

  1. What is your favorite thing about the summer?

No school! 😀

2. Where would your dream vacation be?

Probably camping in the mountains in Colorado (which I have done and it was amazing).

3. How long do you spend on your blog/reader each day?

Actually this is kinda funny I get on for like 10 minutes every like 2 hours so I can look at comments and posts and other things. So I spend about an hour a day on here but it’s usually not all at once.

4. Pool or beach?

Beach! I don’t live near either coast but I have been to both oceans and it was awesome, I love swimming at the beach.

5. Have you had a particular song on repeat lately? Which one?

Actually not really (which is really strange for me because I’m obsessed with music), I mean my family usually has worship music playing on YouTube on the TV. We listen to This is How I Fight My Battles a lot.

6. Lemonade or sweet tea on a hot summer afternoon?

That’s tough, probably lemonade.

7. What is the latest that you have ever slept in?

Not very like maybe like 9:45 because my body for some reason is incapable of sleeping in very late even if I go to bed at like 1:30. I don’t know why but I always wake up at the same time no matter how late I go to bed, it’s weird XD.

8. Do you have a favorite fruit?


9. Where do you go most often when you are with your friends?

Hmm…  it really depends, we mostly just hang out at someone’s house I guess.

10. What was the last book that you read?

Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two

11. Do you prefer the coast or the mountains?

Mountains! Even though I hate hiking because of a bad memory.

My nominees:




Abby Rose








My questions for you:

  1. What so far has been your favorite grade in school?
  2. Favorite veggie (if you have one XD)?
  3. If you had to make a choice to stay inside for the rest of your life or stay outside which would you choose?
  4. Favorite fast food place?
  5. Sports and movies or video games and books?
  6. What’s your favorite way to workout?
  7. Is there something awesome you’re looking forward to this summer?
  8. Captain America or Iron Man?
  9. Cheese burgers or pizza?
  10. Basketball or football?
  11. Favorite drink?

Okay that is all, that took me so long to come up with all those answers.  Thanks so much again Maysa Rose! This was fun. I hope you guys have fun answering my questions! 😀 -Ezra



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Just Some Stuff happening in My Life

Hola amigos! I just wanted to let you know about some stuff happening in my life now and what will happen in the very near future.

So first before we start I wanted to let you know that I decided on this sign-off because everyone really liked it. And almost everyone said it was their favorite. So yep! And also I might want to use the other ones sometimes on rare occasions just because I really like them too!Signoff

May 18th

Anyhow let me tell what’s going on in my life. So last week was my sisters birthday but we have not celebrated it yet. We are waiting to celebrate her 15th b-day until after May 18th because we are so busy until then, let me tell you why. Well first my sister Abigail known as Gale on her blog The Petals of Gale’s Life (and btw I helped came up with that awesome name not to brag or anything) anywho she is having a dance performance on May 18th and she has practice 3 times a week so she is really busy. Also my brother Jesse also known as munchkin175 from his blog, oh wait he doesn’t have a blog anymore (he deleted it) anywho you might know ’em, he is going to have a bowling end of year party, because he is in bowling. Big thing for Jesse because he had the best game of the year for any one in his league with 185 points, so he will get a prize and also be eligible for the bowler of the year tournament; this also happens on May 18th. And for me… I am going to have a gymnastics performance also on May 18th. I don’t know if I told you guys that I was in gymnastics (sorry) but yeah it will be great (my first performance). But anywho now you know why my sister has to wait until after May 18th for her b-day party XD.


Well I’m already done with school for the year now all I have to do is read everyday so that I do it 180 days a year. I finished all the subjects in my curriculum about a week ago. So yeah it’s pretty great. I just finished a good book about 30 minutes ago since I’ve been reading a lot lately, I might go to the library today so I can get the next book in the series. Anyhow yep I have had a lot more time to read, blog, play basketball, play on my guitar, play video games, play on my trampoline and lots of other fun stuff since I’m done with school! 😀

Impact Trip

Oh my goodness I can not wait for this it is going to be awesome! Last year I it did in my home city and it was the most wonderful time of my life! 🙂 Me, my sister, and my brother (now that he will be old enough), and a few of my friends from youth group are going to go on a mission trip. We will be going to OKC to share the good news of God. We are going to pray for people, disciple people, worship the Lord and praise for a whole week. This experience last year boosted my boldness up so much for sharing the gospel and praying for random people. Anyway it costs $150 per person so my siblings and I are going to do a fund raiser, like washing cars or doing a garage sale. I would ask you guys for money XD but I don’t know how to get a fund raising thingy set up. But you guys can so pray because that will be even more helpful! Anyhow that’s pretty much everything about that! 😀

Music stuff

So my band with my grandpa called Indigo Halo is still doing great! Ooh I wanna show you the logo, I designed it. I changed it up a little bit and I don’t have the newer design (it’s on my grandpa’s pc).


Anyway I just wanted to show you that. Oh also we were asked to play a concert for the town fair of my grandpa’s town in like July or August. So that is going to be great because my grandpa said there will be like a few hundred people probably, so that will be awesome! Oh also we are going to do  a concert for the family and some friends on Independence Day, which is going to be awesome because we wrote a new song about America that we will play. 😀 My brother and I were playing worship for the life-group my parents started a couple months ago. But now we don’t have a life group because the 2 people that were coming stopped XD so now we don’t do that. And trust me they didn’t leave because my parents were bad life-group leaders it was just because they found a church closer to their house. But yeah that about wraps up my music stuff! 😀

Okay That was all I just wanted to give you guys an update on my life! I will see you later! 😀 -Ezra



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2 New Sign-offs

Hey everybody! I have 2 new sign-offs to show you. I want to know which one you like better or if you just like the one I have now. So here is the first!


And here is the other one:

Buh Bye!

And here is the normal one:

Text placeholder

And be sure to look at these on  my actual blog not just on the WordPress site because that way it looks better with the rest of the blog and you can decide what you like best. Anywho that’s all it was just a quick post asking what you like! -Ezra