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Life Updates (Important)

Hey everyone! I’m back with that post that I said I’d do. A lot of stuff is going to be happening in the next few days, so I’m just going to tell y’all everything……

Tomorrow I am going to play bass for the youth group band, we had our first practice for the semester on Sunday. That will be super fun! We are going to be playing I Raise a Hallelujah, Death was Arrested, Way Maker, and Defender. Those are some great songs, that I encourage y’all to listen to.

I want to let you all know that I will not be posting for a while. On Sunday, I am going to be participating in THE JESUS FAST, which is a global fast that I encourage you guys to join in with me. If you don’t know what it is, it’s pretty much just fasting for 40 days from anything, and spending more time with Jesus. So, I am going to be fasting from all online entertainment, and then on the last 21 days I will be doing the Daniel fast as well.

This means that starting on Sunday, you will not hear from me at all. I am not going to post, view posts, reply to comments, or anything on here. I will not be replying to emails unless they are IMPORTANT, and not for entertainment.

I am so excited for this fast! This is going to be so awesome! Please participate if you think that is what The Lord is calling you to do.

I am not going to be making another post this week, so this is goodbye for now. I will talk to you all in about a month and a half. You can comment on this post and I will reply, but after that I am done ’till April 9th. This was just a super quick post, letting y’all know that I am going to be gone for a little while. Please pray that this fast goes super well, and that I have no temptation, also pray about it for yourselves. Thank you so very much for reading!! 🙂 TTYL -Ezra

Buh Bye!(1)

Posted in Genealogy, Uncategorized

Geniosity of Genealogy: Reviewing Records

Geniosity of Genealogy(1)

Hello everyone! We’re back today with another Geniosity of Genealogy. We are going to be talking about how to review, attach, and pretty much just know how to use records in genealogy.

So, the many genealogy sites have billions records of different things, birth records, death records, census records, military records, and a few other kinds of records. Genealogy sites like Ancestry and Family Search make it very easy to use records. Today I’m going to be giving you guys descriptions on exactly how to use records on Family Search.

First of all, if you don’t have a Family Search account then go get it! It’s FREE! It’s in my opinion, the best genealogy site, and I’ve tried a lot. I’ve used it for like 3 years, and it’s amazing! So, go get an account here, and come back once you have one!

First of all, you want to know why you want to look for a record. Maybe you want know if your grandpa was in a certain war, or if you great-grandma had any siblings, there’s so many possibilities of why you would want to view a document. Or maybe your just messing around on Family Search and don’t know what to do (I can relate).

If you searched your ancestors name in Family Search and found a record that looks like his/hers then click on it, or if you were just messing with your “Family Tree” and you notice that your ancestor has a hint, then click on it. It should take you to a page where it says details about your ancestor and the record you’re comparing he/she to.

If it matches up then usually is correct. However, after one mistake in Family Search’s indexing of a record then everything could be wrong on your “family tree” that you have made. So, if you think that the record is incorrect, then you should click on the thing that says “view original document”or something like that, then actually view the record, instead of Family Search’s indexing of it. You might find for example, that the name didn’t look the same as the indexing, because the person might who wrote the original document had weird cursive handwriting or something, so Family Search couldn’t exactly tell what the name said when they indexed it.

This happened to me actually. I was attaching a record to my great-grandma when I noticed that her name was “Marine” on the record, but when I viewed the actual record more closely, I realized that it was weird handwriting and the r was really an x. So, her name was “Maxine,” like I had thought.

So, viewing records is a really cool thing if you know how to do it right. I hope these tips help you better understand genealogy records. Try them out! Maybe you can find out new things that you’ve never known about your family.

Also, by the way, there is this really cool thing that I just now saw on Family Search while I was playing around on it. It’s a cousin chart! You know how your always trying to figure out what kind of cousin your cousin is to you? Well if you go to Family Search and click on the big article that says “Cousin Chart” then you can see how your cousin that are more distant are officially related to you. I mean it doesn’t matter that much as long as they’re your cousins, but it’s still cool to see the chart and actually figure it out.

Well, that pretty much wraps us up for today. Be on the lookout for another post that I will do this week, possibly even today, because it will be VERY IMPORTANT. Be sure to smash that follow button, if you haven’t already, so that you don’t miss out on any upcoming posts. As always, thank you so much for reading! I will talk to y’all later! -Ezra

Last Post: Take the Leap (by Kaelyn)

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Take the Leap…

Hey y’all!!

and yes, i am riding a giant his name is henry the lobster and he likes icecream.
wait, where were we?

Oh right!! Yes,it is I, Kaelyn and I am back, and I know it has been a minute since I have been back but today I wanted to do something that I figured out that I really truly love. I have been loving writing poems/spoken word for my blog. Even though I have only done one so far I would love to do some more!

You can see the one I wrote yesterday here! ( my blog is private and you just need to request access and yeah! 🙂

Now, onto this month’s poem!

Thanks Ezra for letting me write on this blog and sry I have not been able to as recently!

But onwards! 😀

Take the Leap…

i see it

i can feel it

the air is getting thinner

can’t you see it?

can’t you feel it?

the moisture

the dew on your brow

it’s time.

don’t you see.

this is it.

it is time to take the next leap.

the next trust fall.

the next bound of faith.

the next step.

it’s time.

the cliff.

it feels so tall

so high

so daunting

so unsafe


i can’t

not yet

not now.

i am not ready to take this next leap.

i don’t think i can.

but as you start to back away for the cliff’s edge.

that next leap of faith

i hear a whisper

a sound tickling my ear

a kind whisper

a voice

speaking and saying

“it’s okay. don’t be afraid of the free fall.

i know it may seem daunting.

but to fly you have to jump.

you have to leap.

but my child, my dear dear child,

it’s going to be okay

no one is forcing you

i believe in you

i love you

do you trust me?

at those words, i look out and i know i can trust this voice, this whisper, and i know that when i am falling and flailing, for me to fly

i am going to have to jump

i know, i can do it.birds do it all the time

but birds have wings

the whisper comes again and says

” you were born to fly.”

at that point i jump

the thrill

the jump

it is exhilarating

i laugh

i don’t squirm

the feeling of flying

is beautiful

“papa ( i whisper to the voice that spoke to me)

i am ready to fly

in that moment

i see the ground coming closer

but i don’t touch it

i soar

i don’t fall

i can see the whips of wind with me

“my daughter, he calls to me,

the voice of jesus

loud and strong

” don’t you love it? the freedom to fly

you were not made to stay grounded

you were made to soar

i was made to soar

you are made to soar

this is who we are

jesus is calling you me

we are called to fly

we are called to not just keep dragging through life

we were not made to only come this far

we were made to fly

i turn and see a hand with a sparkler

the sparks fly

the hand hands it to me and says

“you are beautiful. share my light love and laughter.

i am looking for friends. for relationship and not religion.

do you accept this call?

i look at my sparkler and nod

it is time to fly again.

are you ready?

do you accept?

That is all for today! This poem really is talking about Jesus and about taking the next leaps of faith, flying with Jesus and feeling his freedom and accepting the mission to drip Jesus everywhere we go.

do you accept?

Posted in changes, Music, Uncategorized

A Look at the Past + Music Update

A Look at the Past + Music Update

Hey friends! Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Honestly, I just couldn’t think of things to post about. Today, I wanted to make a post since it’s been a while but I couldn’t really think of what to post about, so it’s just kinda going to be one of those posts I do every once in a while about my life and stuff.

First of all I just wanted to take a look into the past of this blog. We are improving so much. For me, I’ve gotten better with grammar, punctuation, word choice, graphic designing, length of posts consistency (mostly), and just overall content.

I want you guys to do something for me. Look at any one of my posts from January 2019 and before. I want to show you how much this blog has improved. I am almost embarrassed with every single post I made before then, and a few after, but that’s okay. Each one of us gets better as time goes on. Back then, I had no idea what I was doing. I have learned so much more.

One of the greatest reasons that I’m getting so much better is because of the role models I have had. Any of you guys who have been blogging longer than me, I want to thank you for setting example for younger bloggers like myself. And that is one of my goals as a blogger now. I want to set an example for newer bloggers, who don’t know what they’re getting into. You don’t have to be a pro at the beginning, it’s just important that you stick to it, and you will learn and develop as time goes on.

So, please take a look at one of my first posts and compare it to one of my newer ones, and you’ll see what I mean. 😀


Now, let’s talk about music. So, as most of you know, I’m in two bands. One is called Indigo Halo, it is a rock band that I play electric guitar in. Then I have my youth group band, where I play the bass in. I’m going to give you guys an overview of each band and what is going on in them.

Indigo Halo:

Indigo Halo
Yes, we changed the logo again. XD

You may or may not know that we have a new member as of last year. My cousin is now on the bass, which I used to play, and I now play electric. My grandpa and I are both the electric guitar players, my brother is the drummer, my sister is on keys, and my cousin play the bass. Our mom and her siblings used to be in a band with our grandpa when they were kids, and now that they’re grown, us kids now have a band.

So, the genre is mostly rock. We do a little pop/punk here and there, but we are mostly rock. You may have noticed, since technology is so good these days, nobody really plays rock instruments that much. My grandpa really likes older rock, so sometimes if we play covers then we’ll play Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Credence Clearwater, and lots of other old rock. These days we don’t do very many covers though. We’re mostly just playing originals.

Speaking of writing songs. We have written about 4 songs in the past 5 months, that we have been practicing a lot on. So, this summer we are going to use our best song and come out with a single, we might do an EP but we’re planning on just doing a single. So, once that is out, then I will let you guys know, and I can probably sell it to you guys for about 3 bucks.

We are having a concert this summer also. We did the same thing last year. So, every year there is a festival in our grandpa’s home town, it’s a small town, so not that many people, but it’s still cool. Last year they had about 60 people. Anyway, they asked us to come back and play this year. We are going to be selling CDs and T-shirts at it. This is what the T-shirts will look like:

I can also probably sell some of those to you guys. But anyways, we have about 6 original songs that we will probably be playing for that concert, and then if people beg for more then we’ll play a cover XD.

We will probably have an actual full album by next winter. So, I’m super excited to keep working on that. Also we are planning on doing a few small gigs here and there this spring.

Youth group band:

Well, there’s not that much to say about this. We are just now starting back after the winter break, because our band leader actually had a baby girl during winter break! So, congrats to him! But that’s kinda why we didn’t get back to band until now.

I’m not playing tonight, but I will next week, because we have our first practice on Sunday. We kinda had a band meeting last Sunday, but we didn’t actually practice. I’m playing bass for our youth band currently. If we find someone else who can play bass then I’ll just switch to electric, but for now I’m the only one who can play the bass. We have about 15 songs that we’ll be playing throughout the spring, our leader created a Spotify playlist, which I’m listening to right now, it helps us to be able to just get right to playing since we know the songs so well.

Well, that’s pretty much all for today. Thank you so much for reading! I’m wanting to do another genealogy post sometime soon, so be on the lookout. If you haven’t already then make sure to smash that follow button, so that you don’t miss out on any more awesome upcoming posts! 🙂

Do you think I’ve improved as a blogger?

Do you notice yourself improving as a blogger?

Are you in a band? If so, what instrument do you play?

Let’s talk!!

Last post: Receive and Release (What I learned at WM)

God bless!!!! -Ezra

Buh Bye!(8)
It’s still God talking through me, but he’s nice and let’s me take credit for what is his. 😉

Posted in Uncategorized

Receive and Release (What I learned at WM)

Hey guys! What’s poppin?

Untitled design(1)

This last weekend was extraordinary! My church had an awesome conference called World Mandate! If you guys follow Kaelyn’s blog I believe she made a post about World Mandate here. I was able to go to World Mandate this last weekend. I got to listen to four awesome sermons. We had amazing worship and community!

The first sermon was probably my favorite. I got to listen to Michael Miller from UPPERROOM church in Dallas. You guys might have heard some of their worship music. But yeah, he was awesome! He pretty much just talked about just God alone. About resting in God. You don’t need anything else. Just trust in God. So, for the rest of the weekend I was trying to just listen to God the whole time and not get caught up with the rest of life, but just rest in him. Talk to God, and just listen to him. So, like just basing my every move on faith in him. I really tried to grow my relationship with him.

Saturday night was the last session. At the end of the session we did a fire tunnel. If you don’t know what a fire tunnel is, then let me explain. So, everyone in the church works together to make a tunnel of people. If God is telling you to pray for others, then you are part of the tunnel. If God wants you to receive from him, then you walk through the tunnel of people, laying hands on you and praying for you, words of encouragement just start being spoken into you and your life. People prophesy over you, words from God.

Well, for the past month I have really been trying to receive from God. I have just been trying to hear what he has for me. Well, guess what? When you give then you receive even more, it says it in the bible. So, God was telling me to go and be a part of the tunnel and speak prophesy from God over the people coming through. So, that’s what I did. It was amazing! I just started hearing God clearly and just being able to prophesy words of truth over these people.

God just kept saying, “receive and release.” I would then prophesy that over the people. What God was giving to me I would release it. God was saying that we as Christians are his mirrors. As his children it makes sense that we are like him. We reflect everything he says. We reflect his love, and mercy, and his peace, joy, and every fruit of the spirit. It all just reflects off of us, his children. So, I just kept on praying for the people about how we reflect God and how he shines through us to where we can just spread him to the community all around us. I truly felt on “fire” for God. I could just feel his presence going over me and I was actually receiving more from God by prophesying over others.

Later I ended up going through the tunnel myself and I just felt the joy of the Lord. It was amazing!! I got so many good prophesies. By now, I was so on fire for God, like I could barely walk, because God was just like pouring everything he has on to me. Guy it was soooo good!!!!! Truly one of the greatest experiences of my life.

Next morning (Sunday morning), I was listening to a YT video of Francis Chan (y’all need to listen to him, he’s awesome!), he was talking about walking in love through prayer. I was like bam! That’s really what I was hearing the other night in the fire tunnel, I was hearing his love through my prayer and I was walking in it. So, later that morning I had TORCH Team, isn’t that interesting! I had TORCH Team. More fire for God to spread! Well, I shared this whole thing that I’m sharing with you guys, I shared it at TORCH Team. I was still feeling God so powerfully and immensely. I am still feeling him the same way right now (it’s not the coffee).

By the way guys I am totally just winging this post. I’m not editing it. I’m just speaking out whatever God is telling me. And guys, truly I just encourage y’all to receive and release. It’s so powerful. Always try to reflect God onto people around you. Be God’s mirror!!

I don’t know if you guys believe differently about this kind of stuff than me, but it’s coming straight from God, so it’s gotta be true! Ya know what I’m saying??? This stuff is amazing! Take it in! Receive it! As God’s children we want to be like him, we want to reflect him into our lives and to the people around us. My heart is literally jumping for JOY for what I’m God is talking about!!!! That is why I’m not editing this thing! Whatever God has to say is perfect. What I have to say is never perfect, but what God has to say is perfect, I’m not editing what he says. This is not from me!! This is from my father! He is the one telling me all this. I am opening my heart to what he is telling me. This is what it’s like when I don’t have God telling me what to write, right here (please click on this, it’s so good)!!

Guys please also go check out Keziah’s challenge (the song I’m listening to reminded me)! It’s such an amazing thing she is doing over on her blog and I’m joining in with her.

I will see you guys later!!! -Ezra

Last Post: Liebster Award #6

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Posted in Blog Award, Uncategorized

Liebster Award #6

Hey everyone! I’m back with what believe is my 6th Liebster Award. I haven’t done one in a while though, so this is super cool that I get to do it again! But I wouldn’t be making this post if it weren’t for…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

ABI LYN!!!!! Thank you so much abi lyn! It is such a privilege to get to do this again!! 😀 Everyone be sure to check out my friend, abi lyn’s blog! So now let’s right into the rules!

Liebster Award
Not official logo (just one I’ve been using every time)

The Rules (copied from abi lyn’s blog)!
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you!
2. Share 11 facts about yourself!
3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gave you!
4. Nominate 11 bloggers!
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer!
6. Comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been nominated!

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I have double teeth on the bottom (like I have two rows in front of each other, pretty much shark teeth)
  2. I am wearing a flash shirt (he’s certainly not my favorite superhero though, the shirt just looks cool)
  3. I drink milk every night before I go to bed, and coffee every morning when I wake up (me having shark teeth proves nothing about coffee, I had them before I started drinking coffee XD).
  4. I like putting parentheses that are unimportant after every sentence (do you see what I mean??).
  5. I’m really hungry, so I’m about to go eat lunch…
  6. I have tons of freckles…
  7. I skinned my finger while dunking on my dad yesterday (7.5 ft hoop, I’m short I can’t actually dunk XD)
  8. I typically wear about 6-7 wristbands on my right wrist.
  9. I’m saying very random facts because I’ve done this so many times that I don’t have many facts left to do.
  10. I’m currently fasting from watching TV.
  11. This is the last fact  (JK that’s not what the fact is) My favorite game on Roblox is Restaurant Tycoon 2 (yes I play Roblox).

Abi Lyn’s Questions:

What is your favorite season? Winter…… Summer is too hot. I have a lot of school in fall. I get sick in the spring. Also my b-day and Christmas are in the winter. And where I live it doesn’t get very cold.
2. What is your favorite color? Red!!
3. What is your favorite fruit? Watermelon. I can sometimes eat an entire one myself in a couple days.
4. What is your favorite veggie? I really like asparagus, especially if I have a bunch of butter and salt.
5. What is your favorite school subject? It depends on the year. I typically like whatever takes the least amount of time XD. So, I think I’d say history.
6. What is your favorite sport (if any)? Probably basketball. It’s really hard to pick between basketball and football.
7. What is your favorite drink (besides water)? Uhh…. Coffee!!
8. What is your favorite hobby/activity? Probably playing music.
9. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Proverbs!
10. What is your favorite time of day? Evenin’

11. What is your favorite question out of these questions? This one. XD JK that doesn’t even make sense. Probably the favorite drink one (I couldn’t decide between milk and coffee).

By the way, the reason that last question has two “enters” before it is because of the tool on WordPress it never works how you want it to (ya know what I mean?).

So I guess it’s time for the nominees!

I Nominate:




Wow….. I certainly can’t think of 11 people that haven’t been nominated recently. So, as I usually say, if you would like to do this award then by all means, take this award and use it! But if I have nominated you and your already really busy then do not feel pressured to do it. I just wanted to nominate a few people that I don’t think have been nominated recently.

My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. What’s your favorite band?
  2. If you could go to any country in Europe, where would you go?
  3. What’s the average amount of words per post on your blog?
  4. What’s your favorite gaming system (if you like video games)?
  5. Which team did you root for in the Superbowl?
  6. How many posts have you made on your blog?
  7. Introvert or extrovert?
  8. What is your favorite type of international food (Italian, Mexican, Chinese, etc.)?
  9. Can you lick your nose?
  10. What website do you use the most (besides WordPress)?
  11. What is your favorite post that I’ve made? And favorite post you’ve made (provide links if possible)?

Alright! That is all I have for this award today. Let me know what you thought about it in the comments below! Thank you for reading!

If you guys could just pop by The Bloggers Project if you haven’t already. We could really use a little more traffic over there. I know a lot can happen if we just work together on it. So, please go show some interest over there. Thanks guys!

You may have noticed that I’ve started doing a little more inter-linking lately, I think that will help this blog a little more. So, if you want you can check out the new widget on the sidebar, that I have for my recent posts. Also I will be including a link to my last post after every post.

If you haven’t already, then please make sure to smash that follow button, and the like button, and the comment button, and any other buttons you see lying around just to get plugged into the community at Ezra’s Everything Spot.

Last post: WSC #21

Thanks again for reading! As always I will see you in the next post! Bye! -Ezra

Buh Bye!(1)