Posted in Uncategorized, WSC

WSC #21

Today I’m back with the 21st WSC on Ezra’s Everything Spot. Thank you so much for reading!

By the way, just a quick note. I changed the header to where it’s just words and not the cool painty thingy, because the free plan on WordPress is very limited, so I can’t have my site name unless they put it there, instead of my cool header that I made. There are themes that I am able to do that with, just not this one.

I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to get to a post in so long, I’ve just been super busy with school and other things. But also frankly, I don’t really know what to post about. So, it you guys have anything you would like to know more about, or a fun post idea you have, then just tell me what it is, I’m always open to suggestions.

Some of you know that I am doing something with my church called Torch Team. At Torch Team, we pray together, worship together, minister to people, read the bible, memorize scriptures, prophesy over people, and just live as a community. So, every other week we are given a verse or two that we have to memorize within two weeks. Well, that is one reason why I continue to do WSC. Every time I do a WSC is because it is a verse from Torch Team.

Now, for what you have all been waiting for, this week’s Whenever Scripture Comes (as I realize I need to change the image because it’s colors don’t go with the new site design)!!


And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)

Good verse right there. You must have faith in God. You need to have complete trust in him. If you don’t believe in God, then you can’t please him. Nothing is possible without God. Someone who doesn’t believe God doesn’t have faith in him, that is why it’s impossible to please him. However, someone who believes in God trusts that he exists. They have faith. Then it says he rewards those who seek him. If you are just looking for the reward then you miss the fact that the reward is the fruit of your faith in God. I think that your reward is simply to know God. Isn’t that good enough for you? Everything revolves around faith. It says if you have faith the size of a mustard seed then you can move mountains. Well, you have to have faith to even believe that you can have faith the size of a mustard seed. I think I made a WSC about a verse that I’m thinking of. It said something about how if everything you do is not based on faith then it is sin. Oh yeah, it was Romans 14:23. Yo! That’s crazy. I can’t imagine that. I know I do things in my life that aren’t based on faith. Every day without even thinking about it, I mess up, I do things that aren’t based on faith. But guess what? God forgives us. And if you have faith in that. Faith in the fact that God forgives you, then you have that kind of faith that Paul is talking about in this verse.

That’s pretty much all I have for today about this verse. Let me know if you guys have any thoughts on this verse. This was super fun to do. If you haven’t checked out the last WSC, then do so. Thanks again for reading! As I said before, let me know what kind of posts you guys want.

If you haven’t already, then please smash that follow button to the right or on the bottom so that you don’t miss out on any new posts.

I’ll talk to y’all later! -Ezra

Last Post: The Real Neat Blog Award

Buh Bye!(1)

Posted in Blog Award, Uncategorized

The Real Neat Blog Award

Hey everyone! I’m here with a new award that I don’t think I’ve done yet, so this is super cool. Thank you so much Colton! This is such an honor to be nominated for this! I don’t know if there is supposed to be an image/logo that goes along with this award, so I guess I’ll just make one; I think that’s what Colton did. It’s hard to type with one hand (holding my baby brother in the other one XD). Well, let’s hop right in! Thanks again Colton! Everyone be sure to check out his awesome blog!

Real Neat
XD I was just playing around

Alright, here are the rules (copied from Colton’s blog)!

~Thank the blogger(s) who nominates you.
~Answer the ten questions the blogger gave you.
~Nominate four bloggers who deserve the award.
~Create 10 original questions for the nominees to answer.
~Let them know they’ve been nominated.

Colton’s questions:

    1. Dog or cat person? Dog, though I really like big cats.
  1. The Diplomat or The DF Daily? (Skip if you haven’t a clue what I’m talking about) The wha?? *skips*
  2. Why did you start your blog? I started it for school, but it has developed since then and I don’t do it for school anymore, it’s just because I want to.
  3. How many minutes old are you? Uhh… *gets out calculator* If my math is correct then I’m about 7,305,840 minutes old.
  4. How old were you when you said your first word? About 8 months.
  5. Walked your first step? (Do you even know? xD) Almost exactly 1 year old.
  6. Classic editor or block editor? Classic!!
  7. Do you think vaccines are dangerous and ineffective, or are they doing their job? Dangerous and ineffective.
  8. What’s your favorite movie? Maybe Thor Ragnarok.
  9. What’s your favorite book, besides the Bible? Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil.

There ya go! That’s all the questions. Now, time for the nominees!

I nominate:

Alright! There’s the nominees. If any of you don’t want to do it, that’s fine. Feel no pressure. 🙂 For those of you who you are wanting to get nominated then just let me know and I’ll be sure to nominate you for the next award I get. Thanks!!

Now, I will think of some questions. This part takes forever……

My questions for the nominees:

  1. Cooking or baking?
  2. What’s your favorite genre of music?
  3. How long have you been blogging (happy early/late bloggiversary!!)?
  4. How long on average, does it take you to think of a question?
  5. Captain America or Iron Man?
  6. What’s your favorite post you’ve ever made (provide link)?
  7. How many followers do you think you will have by the end of the year?
  8. What’s your favorite sport?
  9. Have you ever been out of your country? If so, how many times?
  10. How long can you hold your breath?

Wow! That was way easier than usual. Okay, that’s all! I can’t wait to see y’all’s answers! Thanks again for the nomination Colton!

If your wandering why there are so many changes to the blog then check out my last post. If you wanna take a better look then just scroll around on all the pages at home. Also make sure you didn’t miss the last WSC. Lastly, don’t miss the last genealogy post on Ezra’s Everything Spot.

Before you go, please go show some love at The Bloggers Project. We can always use some more experience with blogging, and you can just check it out if your new to blogging and would like some tips.

Make sure you smash that follow button to your left or down below so that you don’t miss out on any new posts! Thank you so much for reading! As always I will talk to you later. -Ezra

Buh Bye!(1)
I just changed the colors of my old one. 🙂



Posted in changes, Uncategorized

Changes Completed

Hey everyone! It’s Ezra again. I just wanted to tell you all that I am finished working on the site. I made lots of major changes, and I hope that’s a good thing.


If you read the post I made earlier today, then you know that I was going to make some changes to the phrase/slogan. Well, I ended up doing a lot more changes than I thought I would.

I changed the header and blog button/logo. I also changed the colors and fonts. I made a new contact page. It doesn’t actually have a contact form to fill out with a message, but I didn’t add that because first of all I don’t know how and second I’ve heard that it hasn’t been working for a lot of people. Here is the new logo:

Ezra's Everything Spot(2)
Cool, huh?

You may have noticed that I changed the title of a few of my posts to make them more relevant to the post and not too long. Also I changed all the WBV/WSC and I put the # of the post so that you know how many I’ve done and so it’s easier to navigate back to a specific one.

I hope you guys like all the changes. It’s still kind of a working progress so if you notice anything that looks weird or out of place then please let me know so that I can update it. As far as looks go I think it looks pretty cool.

If you guys want to then it would be really helpful for those of you who have my blog button to update it, but certainly don’t feel pressured; it’s not that big of a deal.

Well, I think that’s all for now. Make sure you smash that follow button in the bottom left corner or to the left somewhere if you haven’t already, that way you don’t miss out on any new posts.

Thank you so much for reading! Bye! -Ezra

Buh Bye!(1)


Posted in changes, Uncategorized

Changing the “Random Wonders of My Life” Phrase

Hey everyone! Ezra here. I just wanted to let you all know that I am going to change the phrase/slogan for my blog.


The reason I don’t really like the phrase is because it doesn’t exactly go along with the title. I mean this blog is certainly about the random wonders of my life but that’s not the only thing it’s about. Everything means everything. I do post about my life quite a bit, however, I also post about genealogy, bible verses, music, and much more.

Since I am changing it, I am going to be doing work on the header and button (which are the same thing for me). So, be aware of any changes that you see going on at Ezra’s Everything Spot.

I am open to suggestions for a new phrase, but I was thinking of changing it to “This, that, and EVERYTHING in the middle.” Do you like it? If you have any other ideas, please let me know, but if no one has any other ideas than I think that’s what I’ll stick with.

As I was talking about in my last post, I might do some changes to the theme. I’m thinking of changing it to a more traditional design with sidebars and stuff. So, just giving you guys a heads-up about what might be happening around here.

I haven’t done any major changes on the my site since about April or March last year here, so it will be nice to have a change. I hope you guys like it!

This was just a really short post about the changes, but if anyone has suggestions for my next post please pop that in the comments.

Before we go, make sure to smash that follow button if you haven’t already, so you don’t miss out on any upcoming posts. Thanks so much for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day! This is Ezra, signing out. Bye! -Ezra




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WSC #20

Welcome friends! Ezra here, with another WSC (Whenever Scripture Comes), but before we get started there are a few things I want to say. You may have noticed that I have done some work on the footer. I’ve added a few more widgets. Do you like it? Or do you think it’s too much? I kind of don’t like the fact that it’s a footer instead of a sidebar because it’s less visible, since you have to scroll all the way down to see it, whereas with a sidebar it’s just always there. My current theme doesn’t let me have a sidebar. Do you guys like this theme? Or do you think I should change it? I like it pretty well but the sidebar thing is the only problem. So, just let me know what you guys think. 🙂 Oh, also I got a notification earlier today saying that I have reached 1,000 likes on Ezra’s Everything Spot! Whenever I go back and look at the stats of last year it says that I already had over 1,000 likes, so I don’t know why it’s telling me this now. But anyway, we reached 1,000 at some point so let’s celebrate! WIN_20200116_10_40_15_Pro_LI (2)


Whenever Scripture Comes

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

This is so cool! Even though we fail, our heavenly father is living inside of us. He is the strength of our heart. He never fails. He is completely 100% perfect in every way. If you look at the word portion, it’s really interesting, I looked it up and the 2nd definition for it is “a person’s destiny.” Wow! That means that God is our destiny forever. Guess what? The first definition of portion, which we usually think about when we hear the word portion is “a part of a whole.” If God is our portion this means that he is part of us. His spirit lives inside our hearts. So, even though we fail, it’s okay. We are only humans. But what this verse is saying is that we have a firm foundation, God. We can rely on God. Our rights and wrongs don’t decide our destiny/portion; God does. God is our strength and our portion forever. Since God decides your portion then you will be okay. Everything works out for good of those who love God. If God is your portion, if he decides what will happen to you then have no worry. Just sit back and let Jesus take the wheel, because you know, that whatever he has planned for you is better than what you have planned for you, because he is perfect, not you.

I think that’s all I have for today. I hope you guys really liked that verse. If there is anything you would like to add about how you see this verse to mean then please do so. I would love to see some conversation about this. What stood out to you?

Before you leave could you make sure to check out The Bloggers Project. It’s a joint blog and we could really use some more community. Thanks so much!

Also just by the way, it looks cooler when you read the post on the actual blog, not just on WordPress. Plus that way you can check out the new footer widgets.

Thank you so much for reading! Make sure you smash that follow button if you haven’t already so you don’t miss out on any upcoming posts. As always I will talk to you in the next post. Later! -Ezra

Buh Bye!


Posted in Genealogy, Uncategorized

Geniosity of Genealogy: Are You Related to Someone famous? Let’s see!

Wassup?! It’s Ezra again! Back on Ezra’s Everything Spot for what you probably didn’t see coming… Another genealogy post!! I haven’t done a genealogy post in forever…………………………. But that’s okay because here we are. Kaelyn has been doing a great job on all of her posts, and I don’t know about you guys but I really enjoy her genealogy posts. Thank you Kaelyn!! Honestly the reason I hadn’t done one in so long is because I couldn’t think of what to write about. By the way, if you guys ever have any ideas for posts or just the blog in general then please pop me a comment. So if you guy have anything you want to know about genealogy then please let me know so I can help you out and that will give me something to post about. Now let’s begin!

Geniosity of Genealogy

Aren’t you always wishing you were the descendant of a president or a king or any very important person (besides the fact that God, the most important person ever is literally your dad)? Well, technology is now helping us with genealogy so much, to where we can pretty much look up any person that has ever existed before and find out if you are related to them… And today, that’s what I’m going to show you how to do in less than 10 minutes.

Before we can do this, there is something you need to do. You need to make an account on Family Search. It is my favorite genealogy website for many reasons but primarily because it’s free. I like it even better than Ancestry (yes, I have Ancestry now; it’s my Grandma’s account but she lets me use it and help her with research). Granted, I’m still figuring out some of the tools on Ancestry, but from what I can tell I prefer Family Search. It is so easy to make an account on, so please do so and you will be on the road to awesome discoveries. You can make an account here. Don’t worry. The only reason they have you put your DOB is for genealogy reasons. Seriously, I completely trust Family Search. So, if you have an account then we can move on, and if you don’t then you can move out and leave the post…..

  1. Look up your favorite person in history on a search engine.

Screenshot (30)

2. Sign in to Family Search then hover your mouse over the “Search” page and then click on “Family Tree.”

Screenshot (28)
You should now be here.

3. Next, just enter the name, date of birth and place of birth into Family Search (if it is a president it is helpful to put “President” in the name.

Screenshot (32)

4. Then click “Find.” If none of the people that pop up look like they match, then try to be more specific with your search. For example, enter the spouse or when and where he/she died.

Screenshot (33)

5. Now, click on the name of the one that looks the most similar to what it says on the search engine and click “Person”. For example, I am picking the second one it shows, because it looks the most similar to what the search engine said.

You should be here.

6. Lastly, click on “View My Relationship” in the upper left corner of the profile. You now know whether or not you are related to your favorite person in history!!

If this didn’t work, then it is either one of two reason. 1 you have not put in enough of your family on your Family Tree that it doesn’t have a way of showing your relationship, or 2 your relationship with them is so far away that it’s more than 15 generations away from you, or people haven’t put in enough information about that person’s Family Tree. So, there are some flaws about it sometimes. However, it worked for me just now (Abe Lincoln is like my great great great great great uncle or something)! More often than not it will work. Oh, by the way, Abraham Lincoln isn’t my favorite person in history; I was just using him as an example XD.

Did it work for you?? Tell me about it!

I hope liked this post! Make sure to let me know your results if you try this. Thank you so much for reading!

Make sure you smash the follow button so you don’t miss out on any cool posts like this!! I will talk to you later! -Ezra



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Hey friends! I’m back again! Here for the last post in the series that I’m doing. Today I’ll be talking about some of my favorite books. So let’s hop in!

Assorted Books on Brown Surface

I really like reading. Honestly I have not been doing near as much reading recently for a few reasons but mostly just because I have lots of fines at the library and I can’t find something that I lost. So I can’t get anything from the library right now which is a bummer. Also I’m a really picky reader, for me it’s different than movies because if there is a book that I’m reading and I don’t like it then in the end I feel like I wasted my time reading a bad book when I couvld have read a good one, where as with movies if I watch one that I didn’t like then big deal it was only a couple hours. So yeah, I have to have a really good book or else I just never finish the book.

As far as writing books goes… Well, I have a really bad imagination, he he he… So I’m not very good at writing books. That’s probably kinda funny since I am literally writing write right now. I mean I’ve tried to write so many books, you have no idea. Every single book that I tried to write ended in failure. I guess I could just write nonfiction since I don’t have a good imagination but I don’t usually like nonfiction… Yeah, I’m just not much of an author.

Now I’m going to list my top 10 favorite books/series:

  • Star Wars: Darth Bane trilogy by Drew Karpyshyn
  • The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
  • Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins
  • Summer of the Monkeys by Wilson Rawls (I didn’t like Where the Red Fern Grows)
  • Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer by Janet Benge
  • The Boys Start the War series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
  • Corries Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angels’ Den by Janet Benge
  • The Boxcar Children series by Gertrude Chandler Warner
  • All the Beverly Cleary books
  • Hudson Taylor: Deep in the Heart of China by Janet Benge

Wow… I’m sure there are way more that I could have squeezed in there that I just forgot about. Out of all those my favorite was either The Hunger Games series or the Darth Bane series. I really loved all the Boxcar Children books. I never actually read them all, I don’t know if that’s possible. I probably only read like 15 of them over and over again. It’s just whatever ones I had. The reason I don’t Where the Red Fern Grows is obvious, just because it’s too sad. I also loved the Beverly Cleary books, all of them. As you can see I like reading the missionary books by Janet Benge. Yeah, they were all great books. I also read part of the Aragorn series, but never finished it. Same with Percy Jackson, I only read the first book. Which I actually did like Percy Jackson I was just really busy and never got around to finishing it.

Those are some of my favorite books.

What is your favorite book? Tell me about it!

Thank you all so much for reading! I think that’s all I have for today. With that, the series comes to an end!! I will talk to you all later. Just make sure to smash that follow button if you haven’t already so you don’t miss out on any new posts on Ezra’s Everything Spot! Thanks again! -Ezra




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Hey peeps!! It’s Ezra here at Ezra’s Everything Spot! Remember a while ago when I started a series and I made a post about video games, and then another post about sports? Well, I am not going to fail you, I’m back with the post that was supposed to come next, “Movies.” So, today I’m going to be talking about movies that I like.

Oh btw this list doesn’t include any of the Star Wars movies because they are literally my favorite movies and I can’t include them because then over half the list would be Star Wars. Also I don’t like the newest 3 Star Wars movies (well, I haven’t seen The Rise of Skywalker yet so no spoilers, but I have low expectations because Disney ruined Star Wars).

My top 10 FAVORITE movies (not necessarily in this order):

  • Thor Ragnarok (MCU)

See the source image

  • Captain America The First Avenger (MCU)

See the source image

  • Big Hero 6

See the source image

  • Zootopia

See the source image

  • Black Panther (MCU)

See the source image

  •  Incredibles

See the source image

  • Wreck-It Ralph

See the source image

  • Monsters University

See the source image

  • Tarzan

See the source image

  • The Lion King (Animated)

See the source image

So that’s pretty much it. I haven’t seen the live-action Lion King yet, so that will be cool when I do. Also I haven’t seen the live-action Tarzan either, which I plan on doing. And I really like most of the Spider-Man movies too I just couldn’t find room in the top 10. And yes I don’t like the fact that Disney has Star Wars because they are ruining it. If you disagree then feel free to argue.

The reason I don’t like it is because they are not making the movies to go along with the books. FYI the books are amazing and The Force Awakens was supposed to be an entirely different story, however, J.J. Abrams doesn’t know anything about Star Wars so he tried to do it it the easy way and now there are literally 2 different Star Wars stories. There is the Disney Star Wars and then there’s the “real” Star Wars. Basically the people who were writing the Star Wars books can’t write them anymore because Disney changed Star Wars and made it to where they don’t correspond with the new movies made by Disney so now the people writing the books have pretty much lost their jobs because now there are different books that go along with the new movies.

A lot of that was probably confusing. I’m just a huge Star Wars fan so yeah… I have huge debates about it. You probably don’t have any idea what I was talking about unless your a Star Wars fan. Anyways I’m done now…

Well I think that’s really all for today, I’ll talk more later. But now you pretty much know my favorite movies.

What movies do you like? Tell me about it!!

Also before we go I would like to give a shout-out to my other blog The Bloggers Project. We really need some more help over there so please consider joining or just check it out here!!

Make sure to smash that follow button if you haven’t already so that you don’t miss out on any other awesome posts!! 😀 😀 😀

Talk to y’all later! -Ezra

P.S. All of these images were from Bing. I don’t own any rights. 😉



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Happy New Year!!

Hey my friends!! Well, it’s a new year… I really don’t know what to say (classic Ezra). When every year goes by do you know what I think? Nothing… It being a new year usually doesn’t phase me. I kind of just think of it as another day. I know that’s probably not the right mind-set. I’ve been thinking for like 5 minutes for why I wanted to say this, he he he… So, I think the reason that I usually have that mind-set is because my family’s Christmas isn’t even over yet. Every year, my family celebrates Christmas on January 6th; it is called Epiphany, it’s supposed to represent when the “Wise Men” came to give Jesus his gifts. We do it this way because, during Christmas everyone is way too busy everywhere, also my dad can’t ever get a day off during Christmas time. So that’s pretty much why we do it this way. Anyways, I know you guys are probably annoyed for me to still be talking about Christmas when it’s a new year, but to be fair I haven’t actually been here for a while, because I’ve been out of town at my grandparents and stuff (also today is only the 7th day of Christmas just FYI). Honestly for me, Christmas is the best!! So I don’t care as much about the New Year/ decade.

Photo by cottonbro on

I’m probably the only person to say this but… I’m not big on New Years resolutions, and here’s why. I think that if it is something really important then I don’t want to just be like, “I’m going to read my bible more this year.” I want to read my bible more every year. I don’t want to just say that for this year I want to do something important. I want to keep on doing the same thing for the rest of my life. So for me, rather than having a New Year’s resolutions, I’d rather have a “Rest of My Life Resolution.” I want to be consistent in doing whatever God has called me to do. Mic drop…

Yesterday I went over to my cousin’s house and played some games and ate some snacks and watched a movie for New Year’s Eve. We watched Adominable or something like that I don’t know what it’s called. It was really a lame movie in my opinion, it was so predictable. I didn’t end up finishing the movie, because it was boring and predictable. But we played some awesome games… Here is the list of the games we played (and I would recommend all of them):

  • Dragon Wood
  • Super Fight
  • Bubble Talk
  • The Mind
  • Scattegories

And out of all of those, you have probably only heard of Scattegories. Which is one of the best games ever btw. But all of those are amazing games. Super Fight and Bubble Talk  are both supposed to be funny (and they are). Dragon Wood is a strategy game but not too long and pretty fun. The Mind is super fun, it is a cooperative game meaning everyone works together, however, you can’t talk, so that makes it really hard. I’m sure you’ve played Scattegories before, if not then you don’t play enough games. I tend to barely get by, because some of the things I write down almost don’t work. Like one time it was T and the category was tropical locations, so I put “The Amazon,” get it? It starts with a T because of the “The.” And of course that didn’t count but yeah… Also it was I for Subjects in school so I put down “Ingles,” because if I was Mexican (which I’m not) then I would have an “Ingles” class so that I could learn English (question, how do I put this ~ over a letter??).

Well, I’ve gotta go eat some breakfast. I will see you all in the next post (well not literally, but ya know 😉 …). Make sure you smash that follow button if you haven’t already (because if you have then that would make you unfollow which wouldn’t be very pleasing 😦 ) so that you do not miss out on these awesome posts!! Thank you so much for being here at Ezra’s Everything Spot! Bye! -Ezra
