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Hey friends! Long time, no see!

Oh boy was this last week amazing! This was probably my second favorite week ever! Last year’s trip was my favorite. I saw so much healing and have so many testimonies! I saw children get saved because of God using me to teach them about his love for them. I also had a lot of fun. I was able to go to a water-park at the end, it was super fun! But yeah it was just an amazing week. I even got to do a lot of evangelizing. I did 2 kid’s bible clubs every day. There were a bunch of Mexican kids there, so I was able to use my little amount of Spanish speaking skills to try to share the gospel with them. But yeah those are just a few of the highlights of my week.

Kinda sad news… Well the sad thing is… My computer sucks XD. Anyway my whole family shares one very sucky computer and so it is very hard for me to use it a lot (you guys are lucky to see this post). But yeah so for this summer I am not going to be doing near as much blogging :(. Good news: I am going to have a computer during the school year next year because I will be renting one for my school. That way I can have a PC all to myself that I can use to blog :).

More good/bad news: I am kinda shutting down half of my business. Most of you guys know about my business GGG (Genealogy Graphics Guy). Well I am not going to do the genealogy half of it anymore because of reasons that are hard to explain (even to myself XD). I actually haven’t even gotten on there and changed anything yet but I will ASAP. Anywho if any of you guys ever want any help with graphics let me know and I’ll give you a very cheap price.

C-ya later! -EzraSignoff


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Preparing for Outside Research (paraphrase of article)

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That is right!!

It is Kaelyn here from Kaelyn’s Life for my June post. So, last month I did my Bible Verse Dissect and this month it is Genealogy Gardener.

I am here to plant a garden and put in tips and tricks for your genealogy purpose.

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I love imagery by the way! 😀

Anyways, as you know I am going on my youth group’s impact trip NEXT WEEK!! TO OKC!!! WOO!! WOO!!

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Okay, okay onto the post now. 🙂

So, here are my sources before I continue. 🙂



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be sure to look up there, because this is a paraphrase from Genealogy. com and not my OWN TIPS AND TRICKS!! 🙂

If you are interested into genealogy and you want to take your research out of the walls of your home and laptop, and let’s say go to your state’s archives or the library, here are some tips for you! 🙂

  1. The first tip from the article is call ahead of time. That way you can find the hours they are open, if fees are necessary, and you may need to know details about parking.
  2. Pack what you need. Don’t forget pencils, pens, folders, or any notes that you may need while you are continuing your research.
  3. Bring some quarters. You may need to use a copier, buy a snack, or use a parking meter.
  4. Set aside a day and get an early start. You want to have all the time you can to get the best information you can.
  5. Take photocopies of the information ex. family trees. You do not want to harm or hurt your original copies of your info.

That is all from the Genealogy Gardener today! 🙂

Remember, this is a paraphrase of the article Preparing for Outside Research from


And remember!

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The knowledge you have in genealogy gives you genealogy powers and things you never would have known about your family before.

peacefully reading

This is Genealogy Gardener signing off!! Next time, Dr. Bible Verse Dissect will be here in July!


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Hello friends! Well I just wanted to say I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do the WBV yesterday. I was super busy, and will be for about a week and a half. But once I get back I will be doing like 3 or 4 WBVs in one! Anyway what may you you ask am I busy with…? Well I am busy… going to see End Game today, going to a concert 2 or 3 days in a row, and also getting ready and going on the Impact trip! So I told you all about the Impact trip right? SO yeah I am going to be headed to OKC to do a mission trip. Last year I did it in my home town (which I am not going to say where that is). But this year I am gonna go to OKC, I have never done any kind of mission trip outside of my home town. So yeah it will be epic! So yeah I am just gonna pour into the lives of people there and really IMPACT them in many ways. I will probably do some evangelizing, I will also be teaching bible studies to some kids. I am going to teach the gospel to these kids. Also I might have told you that Kaelyn you might know from her blog “Kaelyn’s Life”, her sister, and also my sister Abigail, you probably know from her blog “The Petals of Gale’s Life” will all be going too!

Yeah so that’s why I will be super busy and won’t be doing any blogging for about a week and a half. So I will see you guys later! Bye! -Ezra


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Liebster Award #4!

Yes it’s the Liebster Award again. I think I’ve done this like 4 or 5 times, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it every time. I would like to thank my awesome fellow blogger Elisha for nominating me for this super cool award! Thank you so much Elisha, I am super stoked to answer these awesome questions! Everyone check out his really awesome blog!

Liebster Award
I made this and if you would like to use it for the Liebster Award you may; you don’t have to worry about rights. 😉


  1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  2. Share 11 facts about yourself
  3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) gave you
  4. Nominate 11 bloggers that deserve the reward
  5. create 11 original questions for the nominees to answer
  6. let them know they’ve been nominated.

11 Random Facts About Myself:

  1. I am 13 years old.
  2. Pizza is my favorite food.
  3. I have tons of freckles.
  4. I love playing basketball.
  5. I drink a cup of coffee every morning.
  6. My favorite color is red.
  7. I am currently reading Artemis Foul.
  8. I ate oatmeal for breakfast this morning.
  9. My favorite Marvel character is Thor.
  10. I am obsessed with music.
  11. I saw How to Train Your Dragon 3 on Saturday and it was awesome.

Elisha’s Questions:

  1. Predestination or Free Will?


2. How long have you been a Christian?

11 Years.

3. What is your favorite type of smoothie?

Chocolate Peanut-Butter.

4. McDonald’s or Wendy’s?

Wendy’s (I’ve never actually been there I just don’t like McDonald’s.

5. Do you follow sports? If so, what sport and what professional team?

Yes! NFL and NBA, the Cleveland Browns and the Arizona Cardinals for football, and the Thunder for basketball.

6. The NBA Finals have been going on. Do you have any opinions on this?

Yes I do! I want Toronto to win because I despise Golden State, also I don’t like KD because I’m a Thunder fan.

7. What is your favorite thing about your way of schooling (homeschooling or real schooling)?

I’m homeschooled and I love the fact that I can just do school like in bed or something and I can just be lazy XD.

8. Do you think soda rots your brain?

No I don’t think it rots your brain. But I obviously do believe that if you drink too much than it’s not good for you.

9. What is your favorite chapter of the Bible?

Psalm 150.

10. What is your favorite book?

The last Darth Bane book.

11. If you could live in one country for a week, what would it be?



My Nominees:

I am so sorry everyone but I can’t think of anyone who is probably not already tired of me nominating them for this XD. So if you are reading this right now and you are not annoyed by me nominating you over and over again then please do this award. Just anyone who wants to do it can. 😀

My Questions:

  1. Whats your favorite animated movie?
  2. How long have you been blogging?
  3. Whats your favorite sport?
  4. Whats your favorite post you’ve made? (Provide a link)
  5. Whats one food you have never eaten but you want to?
  6. What are you most obsessed with right now?
  7. Whats the most awesome thing you’ve done so far this summer?
  8. Do you know any good jokes?
  9. Do you prefer late nights or early mornings?
  10. Do you prefer mountains or beaches?
  11. Whats the hardest question you’ve been asked in this award?



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WBV #11

Hello everyone! Today I’m back for another WBV! I have a great verse for ya today!

Weekly Bible Verse

 Let not your heart envy sinners,
but continue in the fear of the Lord all the day. Proverbs 23:16
So this verse didn’t make sense for me for a while but I think I know what it means to fear the Lord now. You may think why does he want us to be friends with him but also fear him? Well this means you fear what God thinks about you not other people. So if you don’t let your heart envy sinners, but continue to walk in the fear of the Lord, you are not caring what people think of you but you are fearing what God thinks of you. Because after all God’s opinion is what matters not your friend’s or other people; it doesn’t matter what they think of you.
You don’t always think about this but you actually do fear your closest friends. You fear that if you don’t be cool or you don’t always agree with them then they won’t like you or they won’t want to be your friend. You should fear God not other people, because he is your closest friend and he doesn’t sin. God says you are perfect how you are because he made you that way, so who are to question God’s creation; God can’t mess up. God loves you just how you are. So be bold, don’t be afraid of what other people think of you; fear the Lord.
 I hoped you guys liked that one. It was one of my favorites to do. That’s pretty much all! Bye! -Ezra
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Sorry About the Delay

Hi friends! Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve made a post. My cousin came over to stay with me for 4 days so I have been hanging out with him and have not had time to blog. But when he was here I had amazing experiences happen that I will have to share.

Anyway the Month of Collabs isn’t really working out very well just because of lack of communication. So we are already too late for the reading one I was going to do with Arabella, but if Elisha Christina and Kaelyn still want to do it than please give me y’all’s e-mails so that we can get started and we are not too late again (actually Kaelyn I already have your e-mail so you don’t have to give it to me we can just get started). No pressure if you are too busy to do the collabs but if not please do ’em because they’ll be fun!

So yeah I just wanted to apologize for not being on in a while. Thanks for understanding! Also WBV tomorrow, so get stoked! 😀 Later! -Ezra


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WBV #10

What’s up friends? It’s time for WBV!

Weekly Bible Verse

 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.  Hebrews 13:17 (ESV)

So this means that you have to obey your leaders because they are trying to protect you. It’s pretty straightforward and you’ve probably heard this before but just need to make sure that you are always following it. I think this kind of goes along with what I said a few weeks ago. I was saying like you have to just trust God (your leader) because he knows what is best for you, even when you think you do.

So yeah and I think it’s saying for leaders to let the people submit with joy and not with groaning because they should be happy to do it. If you just bossed people around and didn’t care about their feelings that is no advantage to you, that just makes them not want to do something for you. If you don’t treat your people right then you won’t have many followers they should want to do something because they are happy to, but if they are not happy to maybe there’s something you as the leader are doing wrong. So as a leader you need to think about the people and treat them right.

I hope this was helpful. I tried to explain it well but sometimes its hard to to put into words on a computer (that’s why I want a YouTube channel at some point). But anyway have a fantastic day! -Ezra

P.S. Btw the people entered for the Month of Collabs are: Ara for books, Elisha for movies, Christina for music, and Kaelyn for summer! So if you are in the first two weeks please give me your e-mail soon so that we can get started with the collabs. If I don’t get your e-mails soon enough we will be very behind schedule. So I really really need y’all’s e-mails soon. Thank you for joining me!


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Nathan Blake Games (Plz Reblog)

Hello everyone! Today I am making a post to promote my uncle’s YouTube channel! His channel is called called Nathan Blake Games! 

Here is the what his channel’s all about (copied from the discription page on his channel 😉 ): Nathan Blake Games is a Channel I’ve decided to start In hopes of creating a community that could work together to raise money for charity, support each other, and have fun doing it! Follow my Twitch here: My Twitter here: Listen to me talk about stuff WAY too much, ramble, and sometimes maybe even say something mildly insightful…. I want to create a focus on playing games with my friends, and playing Indie games that are still in prototype or beta so people can learn more about them and they can gain some traction. Ultimately I want to create a place that people can come together and make a community that can help people and we can all learn a little more about each other through the wonderful art of games. My mantra is “Fail Faster” I believe in trying your hardest and learning from your mistakes. Never give up, trust your instincts.

Anyway that’s it for his description. I really love his channel. It’s funny, it’s 100% clean, and it’s very interactive. I am making this because I love his channel and want to see it grow so if you would just click here and not only give a sub which he would very appreciate but also take some time to loo at his videos because I want you to love them as much as I do! Nathan has said his favorite thing about the channel is that there is a community of people always there commenting on his channel and encouraging him to keep at it. He loves the fact that there is that group of people who always are committed to watching his videos and showing interest in it.

Also everyone even if you don’t really like gaming trust me you will love his videos he is so funny and is so good at interacting with you even if you aren’t there. Also a lot of people think watching someone play video games is boring (and I usually agree) but Nathan can really bring it to life and make you have so much fun and feel like you are playing it even when your not.

A big thing that Nathan tries to do on his channel is make new games that no one has heard of become popular so that he can give credit to the creators and so that they can get more popular. So he will probably mostly be playing games you’ve never heard of and it’s so more people will like the games and they will become more popular.

Anyway thanks for letting me tell you guys about my uncle’s channel. As I said earlier I jut love his channel and want to see it grow! I will see you later! Also if you are in the month of collabs for the first 2 weeks please send me your e-mail. My e-mail is so just give me a message so we can get started 😀 ) Bye! -Ezra


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Randomness and Animal Award!

Hello friends! I was recently nominated to do the Animal Award by the wonderful Keziah! Also she was super gracious to let me steal her randomness award because she had such awesome questions that I want to answer! 😀 Thanks you so much Keziah this will be so much fun!

Animal Award Rules 🐕:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  2. Nominate at least three or more bloggers!
  3. Tell the person that you nominated them!
  4. Come up with fun animal questions!
  5. Get up and pet your animal! (if you have one)

Keziah’s Questions:

Realizes Keziah did not give any questions… Well Keziah I don’t know if you noticed that you did not have any questions for this tag since you did 3 at the same time. I don’t really know what to do. No worries though Keziah I totally understand if you just forgot. Well I guess it’s a good think I asked to steal the Randomness Award or else you all would be reading this post for no reason (God works everything out for good)! XD

Now the Randomness Award (my little brother created this award)


  1. Thank the person who nominated you. Thanks Elisha!!!
  2. Then you gotta answer the questions that the person who nominated you… asked.
  3. Then you must nominate 5 people and ask them 10 questions.

Keziah’s Questions (my answers):

  1. Which do you prefer: DC or Marvel, if you are into either of them?

Yo I’m like so into them! Marvel by far!

2. If you could do anything right now, what would it be?

Watch Avengers: End Game (I still haven’t seen it)!

3. Would you rather be told when you died 10 minutes before, or years before?

10 minutes! I would not want to know when I would die for 10 years before that’s just sad.

4. What do you think should be invented?

Hmm that’s tough… Maybe a replicator (like from Star Trek where you can just say any kind of food you want and it will appear instantly)

5. What is your favorite subject/s in school?

Writing because it’s so easy. Like it’s easy to know grammar and punctuation and stuff which is what school wants you to know.

6. Do you play sports, and if so, what kind?

Well I was doing gymnastics during the school year. And I also used to play basketball for a couple years! And I play lots of sports just at home.

7. If you could meet anyone in the world who lives now or used to, who would it be?

Oh my goodness I’ve been asked this before but it’s so hard to answer! For the past probably David from the bible. And now days probably Kyler Murray. XD But I think David overall.

8. Say someone built a time machine. Where would you go?

To some point in the future.

9. What is your favorite natural color?

Maybe green.

10. What is one of your favorite memories from when you were under the age of 8?

When I went camping in Colorado with my cousins.


My Nominees:



Maysa Rose




Now for my questions to you (trust me they will be random):

  1. How many book shelves do you have in your house?
  2. What website besides your blogging one do you go to the most?
  3. Favorite sport?
  4. What’s the weirdest food combination you eat often?
  5. What do you think is the most annoying bug (*thinks of question while trying to shoo away a fly* XD)?
  6. What’s your favorite Disney princess (btw this includes princess Leia and Black Panther’s sister whom most people don’t think about)?
  7. What’s your favorite Marvel character?
  8. What’s your favorite thing to bake (if you like baking)?
  9. What’s your favorite kind of post to make?
  10. What color is your pillow case?

What did I tell you? They were random (very random XD)! Okay that’s it! Thanks again Keziah this was so fun!

I will see you all later! -Ezra

P.S. By the way, just to let everyone know, the month of collabs submissions are done. So you can’t try to do it this month if you were wanting to unless you have already submitted. Bye!
