Posted in Music, Uncategorized

Indigo Halo Merchandise

What is up?! I know it has been a looooongggggggggggg time, but I have just been super busy with school (freshman!). I have some super exciting news about the band though…. If you don’t know, I am in a rock band called IndigoHalo. We are all Christians but we write mostly secular music. I am the lead guitar player in our band.

Anyways…. So, you probably figured out from the title of the post, that we are selling some merch! Yeah! We just had a gig and it was awesome! We weren’t able to sell all the merch though, so lucky to you guys, I am going to try to sell some of it on here.


So here’s what we got:

IndigoHalo is selling t-shirts for $15 + an extra $3 for shipping and handling a piece + the first person to buy two shirts gets one free special edition shirt for free! Just email me @ if you are interested so that we can discuss pricing and shipping. Also let me know if you would like your t-shirt autographed. I believe we can even include a free signed IndigoHalo poster. We have sizes from YXL(Youth XL)-XL (I’ve heard the sizes run somewhat smaller, so you may want a larger one rather than smaller, but it’s up to you). Please help support our band. Thanks!

Big shout out to those of you who came to the concert! For those of you who weren’t able to make it, we should have a video of it that I can post pretty soon.

Now here’s the part where I say goodbye and might not post for a month or so… I don’t want to have to leave y’all hanging again, but the above statement will probably be somewhat true, because I am super busy, and honestly I don’t even have time for this post, but I just wanted be able to make some money off of the shirts, since they took a lot of time and money, and I also just love you guys and wanted to stop in and say “hi,” and also get the chance for you guys to buy some cool t-shirts. Wow! That was a long sentence; too much run-ons, I know…

Love you guys! Talk to me! -Ezra

Posted in Break, Uncategorized

Introducing Eyes Open Prayer

During this time, there is much confusion and speculation about many different things. We can argue about polotics all day, and that’s okay; we don’t have to agree on everything. But what we all DO need to agree on is this: God will work everything out for the good of those who love him, so we just need to trust God and pray.

It is much more important that we stand TOGETHER and pray, than that we are just “right” about our political opinions. Because here’s the hard truth: There is not much we can physically do about the bad things happening in our world today. But here is the good news: We CAN pray. We can stand together and pray. And that is going to make a much bigger impact, than anything we can try to do about what’s going on.

I believe that right now, the spiritual warfare is greater than the physical. The devil is trying to bring God’s people down, but we won’t let him. What happens spiritually impacts us physically and emotionally, and that is why there are things in this world that are going so wrong. The devil is seeing how strong we are, and he hates it. And that is why our world is so corrupt. But guess what? We can fight that! We will not back down during this time. We will stand united together better than ever. We will stand together and pray.

So, because of everything that is going on, we’re not going to sit tight and watch the devil destroy our world, we are going to do something about it. That is why I am honored to announce that my mom, the one and only, is launching a brand new blog called “Eyes Open Prayer.”

Eyes Open Prayer is as simple, yet powerful as it sounds. We are going to recognize the lies in this world, and we are going to remember God’s truth about all of it. We are going to do exactly what I have been talking about. We are going to stand together and pray. And that is what Eyes Open Prayer is for.

If you love the sound of this and would like to get plugged in with Eyes Open Prayer, then please head to our blog (designed by yours truly), and use our resources to help join the fight.

It’s fully up and running, but we’re still working out the kinks, so we haven’t released any posts yet. But, we will do so as soon as we get our Facebook and Twitter started.

Excuses Reasons for my recent absence

As you all probably know, I have been working on a website for my parents business. Well, that kinda fell through. We changed out plans. So, you are not going to see the promised guest post from my dad about our business any time soon. But that is okay. Because, although we have not been able to get that website started, we have just launched Eyes Open Prayer, which I believe is a much more important thing.

I have been working very hard for the past month on Eyes Open Prayer, so that is one of the main reasons that you have not heard from me recently. I also did not want to spend extra time online when I don’t have to, because blogging can take up a lot of my time. However, I am more or less “back.” You should probably be seeing posts from me at least weekly again.

I also just wanted to thank you guys for being so committed. I sort of felt like I was just like “I hit 100 followers so I’m ditching y’all now; I’m retiring.” So, I’m sorry if it felt like that at all, seeing as my last post was “100+ Followers!!.” But, I know most of you guys are bloggers so you probably understand. And thank you for that. I kind of thought I would lose followers from being gone so long, but it was the opposite. I am at 108 followers, and I have a had traffic almost every day since I’ve been gone, which is super surprising. So, thank you guys so much! And welcome, new followers!

Thanks, once again for reading this post! Like I said earlier, please check out my mom’s blog, Eyes Open Prayer @ If you liked this post and would like to see more, then please hit that follow button, or put your email adress in below to recieve posts delivered to your inbox. Thanks again!

The Bloggers Project

Last Post: 100+ Followers!!

Post of the Month: 100+ Followers!!

Posted in Uncategorized

100+ Followers!!

We did it!!!!!!!! We finally hit 100 followers! We are currently at 103. Thank you guys so much!

You guys are so awesome! Thank you for being committed to my blog. Thanks for not just following, but reading my post, liking them, and my favorite part, leaving an awesome comment. 🙂 As I was just saying in my last post, you guys are better at that than me.

To some people, getting just 100 followers in over two years might not some like a lot, and you’re partially correct. I am not as much making this post to celebrate every click on that follow button, but I am celebrating the number of you who are reading this post. The number of you who are committed to my blog. There are about 25 of you guys who read my posts and show interest, and I thank you for that. Because, guess what? Some people have 1000 followers, and only about 100 of them really read their posts. Well, 1/4 is bigger than 1/10 (I don’t know if you guys are math experts, but that seems pretty simple fractions 😛 ).

So, thank you for taking time to read my posts and sometimes even put a nice comment. I know I’m kind of being hypocritical for saying this because I don’t usually read all y’all’s posts, but that’s one of the reasons that I am saying it. You guys are great friends. Even when I don’t read your posts, you read my posts anyways, and that makes me feel special.

Once again, thank you so much! And have a blessed day! 🙂 -Ezra

The Bloggers Project

Last Post: Interview Collab With A n a!!

Post of the Month: Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn!

Posted in Collab, Uncategorized

Interview Collab With A n a!!

Heyo everyone! I’m here with a collab that I did with A n a! Please check out A n a’s blog, over at Anatopia. She’s a new blogger with a really cool blog. She wanted to do a collab to help get herself started, so she contacted me, and now here we are! So, without further ado, the questions!

A n a’s Questions (My Answers in Bold)

1. How long have you been blogging? For a little over two amazing years!

2. What is your favorite type of blog posts? It kind of varies. I mostly like to read posts about how to be a better blogger, or helpful tips. But I really just like to write posts about my life the most.

3. How many post drafts do you have on average? 0. I don’t like to start a post until I finish the one before. Sometimes I’ll work on the same post over the course of a week, but I never start a new one until the first one is finshed.

4. Why did you start blogging? Well, I originally started it because my school wanted me to start a blog, but now I’m just doing it because I love it. I had actually first started this blog as just a genealogy blog, but after a while it turned into an “Everything” blog.

5. Do you like tea or coffee better? Coffee, all the way!!

6. Currently, what is your main goal for your blog, what is the purpose? I really just want to build a big community of people, and maybe even be able to lead some people to Jesus through that (I’m succeeding).

7. What is your favorite color? Just red.

Alright! That’s it for my side, if you would like to see my questions and A n a’s answers, then check it out here. This was super fun! Thank you so much A n a for doing this with me! 🙂

This was a super short, fun post! Remember to keep your eyes peeled for the next few posts! The guest post by my dad might have to be bumped up to like June 15th, mostly because the process of developing the website for our business is a slow, yet efficient process. Also I am hoping to do a genealogy post in the next week, and maybe a WSC also.

I have a quick side not: I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but I haven’t been able to read your posts very much, mostly because I have so many blogger friends now. So, if I do happen to read your post, then that means that I saw it in the WP reader and thought it looked awesome, so if that happens, then great job on the title! LOL But other than that, I don’t have much time to read everyone’s posts. If I actually went through and read all your posts, that would be way too much screen time for me. So, with that said, I love you guys, I just don’t have the time to read all of your posts. Thank you for understanding! 😀

Aiyght! If you really liked this post and would like to see more like it in the future, consider smashing that follow button, so you don’t miss out on any upcoming posts! Once again, thanks so much for reading! Later! -Ezra

The Bloggers Project

Last Post: Bible Verse Dissection! Jeremiah 20:9~Kaelyn

Post of the Month: Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn!

Posted in Blog Award, Uncategorized

3 Blog Awards in 1!

Hello again friends! Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted, but I’ve just been taking a little break because I’ve been kind of busy. I have been editing this for about a week now, and it’s taking a while, but here we go! I got nominated for a few blog awards, so here we are! I’m super excited for these! 😀

3 Awards in 1

Food Award

Thank you very much, Esther for nominating me for this award! Everyone please be sure to check out my friend Esther’s Blog, Esther’s Nook. I am so happy to get to do this award! I don’t think I’ve done it before.


  1. Thank the person that nominated you.
  2. Pingback to the creator, Elisha at
  3. Use the same featured image as your nominator.
  4. Answer the five questions.
  5. Create five questions about food.
  6. Nominate five people

Esther’s Questions (My Answers in Bold):

  1. Do you like mustard? Absolutely! It’s delicious!
  2. If you had a choice between a doughnut and a piece of cake, which would you take? Doughnut! Hands down!
  3. What is your favorite meat? Good question. I think I’d have to go with bacon.
  4. Do you like pretzels? Yes!!
  5. Have you eaten any really unusual food before? If not, what’s your favorite pizza topping? I’m sure I have. Though I’m not sure what most people would classify as “unusual.” Also I just can’t think of all the weird stuff I’ve eaten right off the top of my head. But my favorite pizza topping is pepperoni.

My Questions For My Nominees:

  1. Sweet, dill, or no pickles?
  2. Favorite vegetable?
  3. Favorite type of ethnic food?
  4. Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans, or Chocolate Frogs (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go back and read Harry Potter, then answer this question)?
  5. Chicken, or beef?

My Nominees:

Joshua Swanson @ Spread the Word

Mary Elizabeth @ Middle Mary

Gale @ The Petals of Gale’s Life

AbbyRose @ Photos by Abby Rose

Abi Lyn @ Not of This World

Alright, there you have it! That was super fun! Great job Elisha! It was short and simple, yet still really fun!

Real Neat Blogger Award

I have been nominated by none other than the awesome blogger and new friend of mine, Lrose5! Everyone be sure to check out her blog! Thank you so much Lrose5! I have done this award about 3-4 times I believe, and it’s always super fun! So, let’s get onto the rules!


1. Display the blog award logo in your blog.
2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
3. Do not forget to link to their blogging website.
4. Answer all the questions they have given you.
5. Nominate 7 to 10 bloggers of your choice.
6. Ask them 7 questions.

Lrose5’s Questions (My Answers in Bold)

  1. Chips or crackers? Depends on the type of chips/ crackers, but I would usually say chips.
  2. What animal do you think is the cutest? Sea-lions are pretty cute!
  3. What is the best book you’ve read this month? Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.
  4. Outside or inside? Depends. I do really like to go camping, though if I had to stay inside or outside for the rest of my life, I’d probably pick inside.
  5. Who was the last person, besides a family member, that you saw, talked to, or hugged before you started isolating? Probably my aunt. We were on a vacation for Spring break when it happened so she was with us.
  6. Favorite music genre? Christian rock. Preferably early 2000’s.
  7. Favorite emoji? 🍕

Alright! Those were some great questions! Now onto the nominees!!

My Nominees:

Christina @ christina and camera

theworksofadreamer @ The Dreamer

Ariana Evans @ Ariana’s Archives

Well… I can’t think of many people that don’t have tons of people nominating them for stuff, and post regularly, and I haven’t already nominated them recently. So, If you are reading this, and I haven’t nominated you yet, then you can take this award or either of the other two and do one.

My Questions For My Nominees

  1. What is your favorite type of soup?
  2. What was the last movie series you watched?
  3. What was the last book series you read?
  4. Who is your favorite Star Wars character?
  5. Coffee, or tea (there is a wrong answer)?
  6. Drawing, or painting?
  7. What, in your opinion, is the most useful tool?

That’s that! That was super fun! 😀 Now onto the 3rd and final award.

I am so honored to be nominated by Colton, for the original Outstanding Blogger Award, created by Colton @ Colton Becwith RPC! Thanks Colton! Let’s do it!


  1. Provide the link to the creator’s original award post. (very important: see why in step 5)
  2. Answer the questions provided.
  3. Create 7 unique questions.
  4. Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
  5. At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to win the 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!

Colton’s Questions (My Answers in Bold):

  1. Would you rather go without meat or dairy? Sadly, I think I’d have to pick meat, though I absolutely love dairy.
  2. What kind of music do you normally listen to? Christian rock; preferably early 2000’s.
  3. Is there a specific word that sums up your blog? Christian.
  4. What is a post on your blog that you want as many people as possible to see? I think I’d have to go with this.
  5. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the device you are writing this award post on? Maybe a 6. It’s a desktop, but It’s pretty old, so sometimes it’s kinda slow, but my grandparents gave it to me, so I’m certainly not complaining. It’s very helpful.

My Questions For My Nominees:

  1. When was the last time you ate a sandwich (I’m running out of questions)?
  2. How did you get that hole in your pants?
  3. Have you been to an amusement park? If so, what’s your favorite ride?
  4. What is your favorite mythical creature?
  5. Do you have an interesting birth-mark?
  6. Would you rather have a goat or a pig?
  7. What’s your favorite drink?

My Nominees:

I have only one blogger that I am going to nominate for this, she is a new blogger, and I just met her, congratulations A n a! You have been nominated for The Outstanding Blogger Award!

If anyone else would like to participate in this award, then please feel free to steal this. But as I mentioned earlier, I know there are a lot of you who are getting nominated non-stop, so I don’t want you to feel pressured. Also those of you who would fit the “criteria” to be nominated, I have most likely already nominated recently. However, if I haven’t nominated you, then please please feel free to take any of these awards and post them on your blog! Have fun with it! 🙂

Alright! That’s it for all those awards! Well, that post probably took me longer than any other post ever. I’ve worked on it off and on, and it’s taken me like almost two weeks total (not two weeks straight LOL). I’m really bad at thinking of questions and nominees, so just that took me a few hours XD. But although this has taken a while, it has been super fun!

So, we have a few scheduled posts. Remember my dad is going to do a guest post in about a week, so that will be awesome. Also I have at least one collab that I am going to be doing, so stay tuned. If there is a certain kind of topic that you would like to see me post about, then shoot! If you have a question about something then I’ll probably wright an entire post about it. I’m honestly kind of running out of ideas for posts, but that’s okay because there are plenty of things that I could post about. I just want to know what you guys want, so let’s chat in the comments below. 🙂

As always, thank you so much for reading! If you haven’t already, then be sure to kindly “SMASH THAT FOLLOW BUTTON!” so you don’t miss any upcoming posts on Ezra’s Everything Spot.

Well, I think that wraps it up! I’ll talk to y’all later! -Ezra

The Blogger’s Project

Last Post: My Post On The Bloggers Project

Post of the Month: Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn

Posted in Building a Blog, Uncategorized

My Post On The Bloggers Project

Most of you know that I am a blogger on The Bloggers Project. I just made a post onThe Bloggers Project the other day and I wanted to reblog it, but for some reason I can’t reblog my own post. So, I’m literally just copy and pasting it to my blog. Well, here it is!

Building a Blog Part 1: Choosing a Platform

adult books business coffee

Whether you are wanting to build a website for a blog, a business, or your just wanting to get yourself and what you do out there, I have some helpful tips about how to get started.

First of all, one frequently asked question is this: Do I need to learn html to build a website? My short answer is: No. Although learning code gives you basically no limits to building a website, it can still take years to learn and years more to perfect it enough to make a great website.

With so many new website building platforms out there today, I personally don’t think it is necessary to learn html in most cases. The platforms out there give you so many choices to make your website look professional with little to no experience in web design. In fact, most website building platforms actually allow you to insert html into them to make it even more unique, but it is certainly not necessary to learn html for a website building platform.

With this in mind, I’m going to be explaining a little bit of what I know about some of the best platforms out there. I am not going to dive into html, because it is complicated, and as I said before, typically unnecessary.

Some of the great website building platforms include WordPress, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Wix, and more. I can give you a small description of each of some of these and explain what they are helpful for. However, I am an amateur, so my knowledge of this is slightly limited. I’m learning, just like you. is great for blogging. Most of the personal (non-business) bloggers I know, use the free plan on WordPress. The WordPress free plan is probably the best blogging platform that you can get, if you don’t want to pay a cent. I’m using the WordPress free plan right now, and if you guys are liking this post then I call that a success. 😉

I don’t know much about the paid plans on WordPress, other than the fact that they have great features, if you want to check them out just go to You don’t need to pay money to have a blog; you can do it perfectly fine for free. However, if your blog starts to get a lot of traffic, it could actually be a good investment to upgrade to a better plan. is it’s own host, so you don’t need to pay for a hosting platform if you use one of the plans on However, I have heard that the features on, are actually better for businesses than With, you have to have a host for your site. Some good hosts are BlueHost, HostGator, GoDaddy, and much more that I won’t get into today. I haven’t actually used, but I’ve looked into it quite a bit, and I’ve heard it’s phenomenal for businesses.

If you want to have a good website for a business that is simple to set up, yet effective, you might go with Squarespace or Wix. Out of those two, I prefer Squarespace, because it is very simple to set up, has slightly better features, and is fairly cheaper than Wix.

Again I have only done a tiny bit of designing with Wix, and I like it, but I like Squarespace better, though they are both pretty similar.

As as GoDaddy, I haven’t used it much myself, but my dad has and he really likes it. We purchased a domain from them and used them for a host. Also they have very cheap domain emails that you can buy.

So, after all this, I can’t say there is one that us just “the best,” but it really depends on the person and what they want to do. There are so many options…

If you have any questions about which one would be best for you, or your just interested in web design, then shoot me a comment below, and I’d be happy to help you.

Thanks so much for reading! If you want to see more posts from me, or the other awesome bloggers here on The Bloggers Project, then be sure to hit that follow button below or to the side. If you like what we do and are eager to share your experience as a blogger, consider going to the “Join Us” page and joining the team here.

Stay tuned for the other parts in this series about building a blog! Thanks again!

Last Post: Five-Second Perfect Post

Post of the Month: How To Gain More Followers

Buh Bye!(1)

Posted in Collab, Uncategorized

Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn!

woman having a video call
Photo by Edward Jenner on

Time for the long awaited collab that I am doing with my friend Kaelyn, the other amazing writer on this blog! Thanks Kaelyn for doing this with me! Please check out Kaelyn’s blog, Kaelyn’s Life. She also just started a new blog I believe, called “Stuffed Stories.” I haven’t been able to check it out yet, but I will as soon as I can. I know Kaelyn has been working really hard on it.

So let’s get started!

Here are my questions for Kaelyn and her answers:

1. Have you been playing games during this quarantine? If so, what games?
Me and my family have been playing quite a few board games together. 🙂 We have played Ticket to Ride, Sushi Go, Zoomania, and I think we maybe played King of Tokyo too. I also have been playing Roblox Adopt Me and Roblox’s Epic Mini Games and some Natural Disasters  too with my sister which has been pretty fun. I have loved being able to play board games and video games with my family.
2. Have you had an opportunity to spend more time with God during this time? If so, what do you do in the quiet place?
Yes and no. At the start of quarantine, when school had not started up quite yet I was able to spend a lot of longer periods of time with Him but when school started back up that has kept me decently busy. I have been able to read my Bible just about each morning and I have been listening to some sermons for Torch Team and connecting with Torch Team, youth group, and doing house church has helped as well. In the quiet place, I normally read my Bible or do a devotional but in my longer quiet times I will listen to worship music and I have also listened to worship music during school to worship Him while I work.
3. Have you been reading or writing a lot during this period? If so, what have you been reading / writing about?
Yes! I have been able to read and write a bit  more than I would have if I was at school each day, which has been really nice.  I have read “Bad Connection” by Melody Carlson which is a Christian contemporary book and “The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre” by Gail Carson Levin is fantasy/fairytale.  I am currently reading “So Not Happening” by Judy B. Jones which is another Christian contemporary book. I have been writing just on my blog, Kaelyn’s Life, and I did one post on here and it has been really nice to stay a lot more up-to-date on everything going on the blogosphere as well.
4. Does the fact that you can’t go to church give you an even greater hunger for God’s Word?  For Torch Team( the discipleship/leadership youth class at my church; Ezra is a part of it too as well as Karis and Gale, a few other bloggers you may know) assign Bible reading and I have been able to get my reading done on time and not have it where I am reading all of it the night before, which has happened more than I have liked to in the past, which has been really nice. I miss church a lot and I am wanting God’s word in a deeper way. I am excited when we can go back to church, youth group, and Torch Team but until then I will continue to pursue Jesus with my heart, my soul, with all of my mind, and strength.
5. What have you been watching recently? A TV series? A certain genre of movie?
I have been watching Zumbo’s Just Deserts on Netflix and I watched some of Project MC2 as well. I am also a now a fan of Dragon Prince which is an AWESOME show on Netflix and I am on season two currently! Y’all I LOVE DRAGON PRINCE!! 😀 As a family, we have watched Spies in Disguise, Frozen 2, and have watched the Kungu Panda TV series. With friends on Netlfix Parties I have watched Same Kind of Different as Me, Zapped, and Spiderman:Into the Spideverse so I have a watched mostly family movies, which are kind of the best. 😀

Alright that’s it for that! If you would like to see Kaelyn’s questions and my answers, check out her post here.

This was fun! Thanks so much for doing this with me Kaelyn! I’d love to do it again sometime! 🙂

Alright that pretty much wraps up this post. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been pretty busy. I don’t really have much to post about, but still be on the lookout for my dad’s guest post in about 4 weeks. Also, I have been nominated for a couple things I think, so I will be sure to get to those awards.

Thanks for reading, guys! This has been fun! If your not already following Ezra’s Everything Spot, then please be sure to smash that follow button below or to the right (or to the left if your on WordPress reader).

Cheerio! -Ezra

Last Post: Bible Verse Dissection with Dr. Kaelyn~Romans 15:13

Post of the Month: Bible Verse Dissection with Dr. Kaelyn~Romans 15:13

Buh Bye!(1)

Posted in Uncategorized

The Bible’s View of Prophecy

bible book business christian
Photo by John-Mark Smith on

In the church, we hear people talk about prophecy all the time. Sometimes God is telling us to prophesy, but we have questions. What is prophecy? Why do we prophesy? What does the bible say about prophecy?

What is prophecy?

Let’s look at 2 Peter 1:20-21, “knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” 

So, prophecy is from God. It is not us speaking, but hearing. God uses us, his children, to reflect his words to people around us. We are like God’s mirrors. We are just like God’s prophets who wrote the bible. It says in the verse “knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation.” That means that Paul, Peter, John, Mark, everyone who wrote the bible were all speaking what they were hearing from God. They were reflecting his words. We can follow that example because we are God’s prophets too.

Take a look at 1 Corinthians 14:3, “On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation.” That’s what prophecy is. God uses us to encourage people and build them up. First we hear God, then we speak what he says to people around us who God wants us to encourage or build up. 

I think of prophecy as a message inspired by God, a divine revelation from God that you can share and use to encourage others. Prophecy is always speaking truth from God. It says in 1 Corinthians 12:10 that prophecy is a spiritual gift from The Holy Spirit. God gives us the gift of prophecy so that we can then help others around us and make them feel encouraged.

There are different types of prophecies. The gift of prophecy is for edification, encouragement, words of knowledge, and words of wisdom. However, there is another type of prophecy, the foretelling of the future. This kind of prophecy is already in the scriptures, so it is already done. In Revelation it says that we shouldn’t add to the word of God, so the foretelling is already done in the bible.

God sometimes gives people glimpses of the future, but if someone says that God gave them a prophecy about the future that doesn’t mean we should bank off of it when making decisions. God always speaks clearly, so I’m not trying to say that we shouldn’t always listen to what God says. Even though God always speaks clearly, that doesn’t mean that we always hear clearly. So, although God may give us a prophecy about the future, that doesn’t mean we should always go with something if people think that it was from God, because God may have been saying something else and we just misinterpreted it.

Why should we prophesy?

Well, does the bible say we should prophesy? Why is it good to prophesy? Who should prophesy? Take a look at Acts 2:17-18 in part of Peter’s sermon at Pentecost, “And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.”

We all have the gift of prophecy. Some of us walk in that gift more, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t all called to prophesy. Everyone should prophesy. In this verse, it’s not saying that only the “prophets” should prophesy, it says for everyone to prophesy. We are all prophets made in God’s image to reflect his words. It says in Proverbs “I will meditate on your precepts, and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statutes; and I will not forget your word.” We’re living that out. Not only are we living it out but we, as God’s prophets are showing it to other people and reflecting it. We are setting an example, no matter how old you are. You’re not too young. Remember the verse in 1st Timothy? Don’t let anyone let down on you for your youth; set an example!

How do we prophesy?

Deuteronomy 29:29 says this, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.” What God is telling us is being revealed. It’s revelation. Prophecy is what God is revealing to us, so that we can use it for edification. As prophets, we can use what God is revealing to us, and prophesy it to people around us.

Prophecy is revelation from God. To prophesy is to speak and edify to others what the Lord is telling you. If prophecy is meant to build each other up and encourage each other, then if we’re not being encouraging then we know we’re not doing it right. Or if it goes against God’s word then we’re not doing it right. Since prophecy is revelation from God, then it can’t be against his word.

We need to believe that what we are hearing is from God, we need to BELIEVE that we can hear God and prophesy his words of revelation. You can’t just use the fact that you don’t know for sure that it’s from God as an excuse. As long as it’s not against God’s word then go for it! Even if God didn’t tell you to prophesy for someone, you still got to encourage somebody. If God did tell you to though, and you didn’t listen because you thought it might not be from him, that means you disobeyed God. My main point here is this: Don’t not do it just because it might not be God.

One of my favorite quotes is by a guy named Joe Ewin, “Practice makes prophetic.” So, we can practice speaking God’s words over people in our lives, and that is prophecy. We never fail. We may have felt like what we say didn’t affect them at all, but sometimes we can make an impact by our encouragements even when we don’t know it. Even if you feel like you get rejected, you still get to step out in faith and boldness, and you get practice; and practice makes prophetic. 

I encourage you to prophesy. Even in this hard time, think of a way you can prophesy. Build people up, encourage them, because that’s what they need right now.

That about wraps up the post. Thank so much for reading! I hope this post was really helpful for you guys. Let me know what you think in the comments below.

If you haven’t noticed, I put up some social media buttons on the sidebar. So, if you would then please go like my Facebook page and follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Instagram and Twitter haven’t been working well for me when I click on the button, so try and click on the buttons on the sidebar, and let me know whether or not it works for you. I probably won’t be doing very much on social media, it’s mostly just for more traffic, but all my new posts will show up on there if you want to give me some likes.

Keep an eye out for upcoming posts. Kaelyn and I have a really fun collab coming up soon, so be on the look-out! Speaking of Kaelyn… It’s her birthday today! So, pop down in the comments and tell her happy birthday! Happy Birthday, Kaelyn!!! You’re awesome! I pray that you have an amazing year! 😀

Thanks again for reading! If you liked this post, then be sure to smash that follow button, so you don’t miss out on any new ones. TTYL! -Ezra

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Posted in Uncategorized, WSC

WSC #22


I know it has been a while since we’ve been able to do a regular WSC, but here we are. I’m still posting the scripture that I’m memorizing for Torch Team. If you don’t already know, I am in a group called Torch Team, where we pray, worship, memorize scripture, and have community together. It’s all people from 8th-12th grade.

Recently we have been listening to Steve and Wendy Backlund talk about joy, belief, and declarations. I really encourage you guys to listen to them. If you want to learn more about them, just go to .

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

It’s such a powerful verse. This verse is really trying to get you to believe in the fact that you have a God that can fill you with joy and peace. You see where it says “in believing”? You need to trust and believe with your whole heart that God can make you be filled with joy and peace. If you believe in that, then you may abound in hope, because your belief gives you hope.

I was just reminded of something that Wendy Backlund says, “It’s better to have great faith in little things, than to have little faith in great things.” We are always trying to do great things. We want people to see what we have done and look up to us. But if it’s such a big thing, then we often have little faith. The reason it is better to do a little thing with great faith is because God doesn’t measure what we do in how great it is, he measures our faith in doing it. That’s what we want, because that’s what God thinks of us, and that’s what matters. Fear the Lord. It doesn’t matter if other people think that what we are doing is not great. What matters, is if we think about how great God says it is.

That’s pretty much all I have to say about this verse. There are lots of other cool things about this verse, but that’s just what I took from it. If you see anything that you think is cool about this verse, then please put it in the comments.

Before we go, I have a couple quick announcements / updates. I told y’all a couple weeks ago that I am going to help my parents with their business. I’m going to be helping set up their website, and their going to pay me to help them with that.

Your probably wondering what exactly it is that they do. Well, that’s why I’m happy to announce that on June 1st or 2nd, there will be a guest post on Ezra’s Everything Spot by none other than my father, Curtis. He is going to be explaining about our business. The reason we will be waiting a full six weeks before he can make the post is because meanwhile we will be setting up the website and many other things for the business.

The other announcement is that I will be doing a collab with Kaeyln. We haven’t exactly figured out what kind of collab to do, but we’re figuring that out. You should probably expect to see it by next weekend.

If you enjoyed this post, then be sure to smash that follow button if you haven’t already, so that you don’t miss out on any new posts. Thanks for reading! -Ezra

Last Post: Ezra’s Everything Spot Bloggiversary

Post of the Month: I’m Back!!

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Ezra’s Everything Spot Bloggiversary

Ezra's Everything Spot(3)

It’s that time again!! Actually it’s passed that time again, but I was gone for a while when it was… So, we’re here again. Wow! 2 Years… A lot has happened in these two years. I really have literally no idea what we’re going to do, but I’m just gonna wing it (as usual).

So, just like last year, I am going to show you guys some songs to play. Actually, I’m going to show my Spotify playlist, and you guys can listen to it here. Now you guys know what I listen to every day. So, you can just turn that on, or some of your favorite songs, and come join the party.

I guess, what I’ll do first is just list some of my stats on how well this blog has done in the past year. So, these are the stats since March 2nd 2019, because that was the first bloggiversary. Let’s go!

Followers: 66 That’s actually a lot of followers considering the fact that I only have 91 followers in total. We’re nearing a hundred! If you think about it, 91 isn’t that many, but I am still very happy with it, not just because I have 91 people willing to click the follow button, but mostly because about 1/4 of all of those 91, really care. There are about 22-25 followers that are committed to my blog; meaning that they like, comment or show interest to my posts at least once a month. That’s amazing! Sometimes, people who have 1,000 followers, might have about 60 that really care and show interest to their posts, but that’s a lower percentage than 22 is out of 91. What I’m saying is, even though I don’t have that many followers, the fact that so many of them care is better to me.

Views: 5058 WOW!! 5058 views in the past year! That’s just crazy! Nothing else to say here…

Visitors: 1194 Yikes! Ezra’s Everything Spot has been visited 1194 times within the last year! 1194 is a big number! This makes me know you guys care. The fact that you guys will continually come back and look at my posts is awesome. Thanks for caring guys!

Likes: 1179 That’s almost as many likes as views! And guess what? Not one unlike! 😉 That means that most of the times you visited my site it was because you liked one of my posts or pages, or one of Kaelyn’s posts or pages. Go Kaelyn!!

Comments: 1200 Ha ha!!! More comments than likes or views! That means you guys are chatty, or it means I’m chatty, because half of those comments are mine, but still, it’s cool!! I love comments! That’s the best part of having a blog!

Posts: 111 That’s a cool number! 111 Posts! That’s a lot! Kaelyn and I have done a lot of posts! That’s so crazy!

Words: About 50,000 It’s kinda hard to count words since March 2nd, but it’s about 50,000. Oh my goodness! That is a lot of words… I think it was mostly because of how many posts we made, because I usually have really short posts. My Average words per post right now is 734, which isn’t bad for me, but still a little short. It’s way better than it was though. I had an average of 418 words per post last year XD.

Best Month: October With 718 views, 90 visitors, 69 likes, 113 comments, and 7 posts October was probably the best month in this past year, as far as stats. I think one person just looked at tons of posts, because most of that is just views, the rest is pretty average. The best day was October 3rd (my mom’s b-day).

I think that’s all for stats. That took some math skills btw 😉 . Okay, so I have a couple more ideas…

Remember last year when I tried to do the month of collabs? Well, that kinda failed… Most of the time I didn’t end up getting to the collabs… I also realized that there have been times that I have done like a giveaway or something and I forgot to give the winners their rewards. So, if you still want to do those collabs, then just let me know on my contact page. Also, I’m truly sorry for not giving you your reward for a giveaway, so if you still want that reward and you didn’t ever recieve it, then let me know and make I’ll make sure you get it. Thanks guys!

Also, if anyone else wants to do a collab, I am totally up for it! I haven’t done a collab in a while, so if you are feeling collaby then just tell me! Especially if you have never done one with me before, then that will be loads of fun! Even if you have though, I would still love to collab with ya! Let me know.. 😉

Ooh! I have an idea, and I think I did this last year, but a lot of people do it for their bloggiversaries, so I’m gonna go for it! What you do is just tell your name, tell us about yourself, and give a link to your blog in the comments. This isn’t just a time for me to interact with y’all, but a time for you guys to interact with each other as well. I want you guys to be able to find each others blogs and get to connect. Most of you guys already follow each other, which I love that fact, but if you don’t, then make sure you meet some new peeps. Thanks!!!

If you would, then go ahead and share this post on your blog, so that everyone can join the party! People are bored right now, so I think everyone’s going to want to have a party, and possibly get some new followers while they’re at it.

Sorry if this is unprofessional or boring, but you guys can help make it fun, because frankly this blog runs mostly on follower power. If you guys can think of fun things to do, then I’ll do it next year, or just sometime fun even if it’s not the bloggiversary.

If your not following this blog… You might want to. And if that’s true, then go ahead and click the follow button to the left, or if your on the WordPress reader, it should be on the right, that way you don’t miss out on any awesome posts like this one 🙂 .

This was a super fun post to make! Thanks for checking it out! Peace out! -Ezra

Last Post: My New Post on The Bloggers Project

Post of the Month: I’m Back!!

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