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100+ Followers!!

We did it!!!!!!!! We finally hit 100 followers! We are currently at 103. Thank you guys so much!

You guys are so awesome! Thank you for being committed to my blog. Thanks for not just following, but reading my post, liking them, and my favorite part, leaving an awesome comment. 🙂 As I was just saying in my last post, you guys are better at that than me.

To some people, getting just 100 followers in over two years might not some like a lot, and you’re partially correct. I am not as much making this post to celebrate every click on that follow button, but I am celebrating the number of you who are reading this post. The number of you who are committed to my blog. There are about 25 of you guys who read my posts and show interest, and I thank you for that. Because, guess what? Some people have 1000 followers, and only about 100 of them really read their posts. Well, 1/4 is bigger than 1/10 (I don’t know if you guys are math experts, but that seems pretty simple fractions 😛 ).

So, thank you for taking time to read my posts and sometimes even put a nice comment. I know I’m kind of being hypocritical for saying this because I don’t usually read all y’all’s posts, but that’s one of the reasons that I am saying it. You guys are great friends. Even when I don’t read your posts, you read my posts anyways, and that makes me feel special.

Once again, thank you so much! And have a blessed day! 🙂 -Ezra

The Bloggers Project

Last Post: Interview Collab With A n a!!

Post of the Month: Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I am a christian, homeschooler in 10th grade. I'm a public introvert and private extrovert. I love basketball, football, gymnastics, genealogy, coffee, music, writing to you awesome followers, and most of all Jesus! I own a blog, Ezra's Everything Spot (though I've been inactive for a while now). I also help design websites and edit blog posts mostly for friends.

44 thoughts on “100+ Followers!!

  1. Congrats. Ezra!! SUCH A HUGE MILESTONE!! This blog has come so far! How awesome that you have so many followers and people that support this blog!
    *throws confetti!
    -kaelyn 😛

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