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Interview Collab With A n a!!

Heyo everyone! I’m here with a collab that I did with A n a! Please check out A n a’s blog, over at Anatopia. She’s a new blogger with a really cool blog. She wanted to do a collab to help get herself started, so she contacted me, and now here we are! So, without further ado, the questions!

A n a’s Questions (My Answers in Bold)

1. How long have you been blogging? For a little over two amazing years!

2. What is your favorite type of blog posts? It kind of varies. I mostly like to read posts about how to be a better blogger, or helpful tips. But I really just like to write posts about my life the most.

3. How many post drafts do you have on average? 0. I don’t like to start a post until I finish the one before. Sometimes I’ll work on the same post over the course of a week, but I never start a new one until the first one is finshed.

4. Why did you start blogging? Well, I originally started it because my school wanted me to start a blog, but now I’m just doing it because I love it. I had actually first started this blog as just a genealogy blog, but after a while it turned into an “Everything” blog.

5. Do you like tea or coffee better? Coffee, all the way!!

6. Currently, what is your main goal for your blog, what is the purpose? I really just want to build a big community of people, and maybe even be able to lead some people to Jesus through that (I’m succeeding).

7. What is your favorite color? Just red.

Alright! That’s it for my side, if you would like to see my questions and A n a’s answers, then check it out here. This was super fun! Thank you so much A n a for doing this with me! 🙂

This was a super short, fun post! Remember to keep your eyes peeled for the next few posts! The guest post by my dad might have to be bumped up to like June 15th, mostly because the process of developing the website for our business is a slow, yet efficient process. Also I am hoping to do a genealogy post in the next week, and maybe a WSC also.

I have a quick side not: I don’t know if you guys have noticed, but I haven’t been able to read your posts very much, mostly because I have so many blogger friends now. So, if I do happen to read your post, then that means that I saw it in the WP reader and thought it looked awesome, so if that happens, then great job on the title! LOL But other than that, I don’t have much time to read everyone’s posts. If I actually went through and read all your posts, that would be way too much screen time for me. So, with that said, I love you guys, I just don’t have the time to read all of your posts. Thank you for understanding! 😀

Aiyght! If you really liked this post and would like to see more like it in the future, consider smashing that follow button, so you don’t miss out on any upcoming posts! Once again, thanks so much for reading! Later! -Ezra

The Bloggers Project

Last Post: Bible Verse Dissection! Jeremiah 20:9~Kaelyn

Post of the Month: Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn!


Thanks so much for stopping by! I am a christian, homeschooler in 10th grade. I'm a public introvert and private extrovert. I love basketball, football, gymnastics, genealogy, coffee, music, writing to you awesome followers, and most of all Jesus! I own a blog, Ezra's Everything Spot (though I've been inactive for a while now). I also help design websites and edit blog posts mostly for friends.

17 thoughts on “Interview Collab With A n a!!

  1. Great answers!!! I want to say, good for you, with not starting a blog post, until your previous draft is finished. I am very bad at getting more ideas and just having to write it down, before I forget it, so I’ve got lots of drafts. But. That being said, good for you!!! That is so awesome, of you.
    Heyy, you like the color red? Oh yeah, that’s a good color. Boomer Sooner there, man!!
    Don’t worry about not being able to read a lot of blog posts; I’m in that same boat with you, buddy. I try to read random ones, just whenever I feel like it, but it doesn’t happen very often, unfortunately. Anyways, don’t worry about that, because I’m totally with you. 🙂
    Please keep up the good work!!!
    Stay well.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Keziah! Yeah, it’s really just a habit. Hey, at least that means you have a lot of good post ideas!
    Yeayah! Red’s the best! I also really like dark purple. Boomer Sooner!!
    Exactly! I agree. Yeah, I mostly feel bad because I follow people’s blogs and try to make new blogging friends, but am only able to read a post every now and then, but I’m sure they understand. 🙂
    Thanks for commenting! You too! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, I totally feel you there, with following so many people, but not being able to read all their posts. It’s like, being at a party and having lots of friends there who want to talk to you, but there’s only one of you, so it’s really hard. That’s how I see it.
    All right, have a great day!!

    Liked by 1 person

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