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Quarantine Collab With Kaelyn!

woman having a video call
Photo by Edward Jenner on

Time for the long awaited collab that I am doing with my friend Kaelyn, the other amazing writer on this blog! Thanks Kaelyn for doing this with me! Please check out Kaelyn’s blog, Kaelyn’s Life. She also just started a new blog I believe, called “Stuffed Stories.” I haven’t been able to check it out yet, but I will as soon as I can. I know Kaelyn has been working really hard on it.

So let’s get started!

Here are my questions for Kaelyn and her answers:

1. Have you been playing games during this quarantine? If so, what games?
Me and my family have been playing quite a few board games together. 🙂 We have played Ticket to Ride, Sushi Go, Zoomania, and I think we maybe played King of Tokyo too. I also have been playing Roblox Adopt Me and Roblox’s Epic Mini Games and some Natural Disasters  too with my sister which has been pretty fun. I have loved being able to play board games and video games with my family.
2. Have you had an opportunity to spend more time with God during this time? If so, what do you do in the quiet place?
Yes and no. At the start of quarantine, when school had not started up quite yet I was able to spend a lot of longer periods of time with Him but when school started back up that has kept me decently busy. I have been able to read my Bible just about each morning and I have been listening to some sermons for Torch Team and connecting with Torch Team, youth group, and doing house church has helped as well. In the quiet place, I normally read my Bible or do a devotional but in my longer quiet times I will listen to worship music and I have also listened to worship music during school to worship Him while I work.
3. Have you been reading or writing a lot during this period? If so, what have you been reading / writing about?
Yes! I have been able to read and write a bit  more than I would have if I was at school each day, which has been really nice.  I have read “Bad Connection” by Melody Carlson which is a Christian contemporary book and “The Lost Kingdom of Bamarre” by Gail Carson Levin is fantasy/fairytale.  I am currently reading “So Not Happening” by Judy B. Jones which is another Christian contemporary book. I have been writing just on my blog, Kaelyn’s Life, and I did one post on here and it has been really nice to stay a lot more up-to-date on everything going on the blogosphere as well.
4. Does the fact that you can’t go to church give you an even greater hunger for God’s Word?  For Torch Team( the discipleship/leadership youth class at my church; Ezra is a part of it too as well as Karis and Gale, a few other bloggers you may know) assign Bible reading and I have been able to get my reading done on time and not have it where I am reading all of it the night before, which has happened more than I have liked to in the past, which has been really nice. I miss church a lot and I am wanting God’s word in a deeper way. I am excited when we can go back to church, youth group, and Torch Team but until then I will continue to pursue Jesus with my heart, my soul, with all of my mind, and strength.
5. What have you been watching recently? A TV series? A certain genre of movie?
I have been watching Zumbo’s Just Deserts on Netflix and I watched some of Project MC2 as well. I am also a now a fan of Dragon Prince which is an AWESOME show on Netflix and I am on season two currently! Y’all I LOVE DRAGON PRINCE!! 😀 As a family, we have watched Spies in Disguise, Frozen 2, and have watched the Kungu Panda TV series. With friends on Netlfix Parties I have watched Same Kind of Different as Me, Zapped, and Spiderman:Into the Spideverse so I have a watched mostly family movies, which are kind of the best. 😀

Alright that’s it for that! If you would like to see Kaelyn’s questions and my answers, check out her post here.

This was fun! Thanks so much for doing this with me Kaelyn! I’d love to do it again sometime! 🙂

Alright that pretty much wraps up this post. Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but I’ve been pretty busy. I don’t really have much to post about, but still be on the lookout for my dad’s guest post in about 4 weeks. Also, I have been nominated for a couple things I think, so I will be sure to get to those awards.

Thanks for reading, guys! This has been fun! If your not already following Ezra’s Everything Spot, then please be sure to smash that follow button below or to the right (or to the left if your on WordPress reader).

Cheerio! -Ezra

Last Post: Bible Verse Dissection with Dr. Kaelyn~Romans 15:13

Post of the Month: Bible Verse Dissection with Dr. Kaelyn~Romans 15:13

Buh Bye!(1)


Thanks so much for stopping by! I am a christian, homeschooler in 10th grade. I'm a public introvert and private extrovert. I love basketball, football, gymnastics, genealogy, coffee, music, writing to you awesome followers, and most of all Jesus! I own a blog, Ezra's Everything Spot (though I've been inactive for a while now). I also help design websites and edit blog posts mostly for friends.

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