Posted in Music, Uncategorized

Indigo Halo Merchandise

What is up?! I know it has been a looooongggggggggggg time, but I have just been super busy with school (freshman!). I have some super exciting news about the band though…. If you don’t know, I am in a rock band called IndigoHalo. We are all Christians but we write mostly secular music. I am the lead guitar player in our band.

Anyways…. So, you probably figured out from the title of the post, that we are selling some merch! Yeah! We just had a gig and it was awesome! We weren’t able to sell all the merch though, so lucky to you guys, I am going to try to sell some of it on here.


So here’s what we got:

IndigoHalo is selling t-shirts for $15 + an extra $3 for shipping and handling a piece + the first person to buy two shirts gets one free special edition shirt for free! Just email me @ if you are interested so that we can discuss pricing and shipping. Also let me know if you would like your t-shirt autographed. I believe we can even include a free signed IndigoHalo poster. We have sizes from YXL(Youth XL)-XL (I’ve heard the sizes run somewhat smaller, so you may want a larger one rather than smaller, but it’s up to you). Please help support our band. Thanks!

Big shout out to those of you who came to the concert! For those of you who weren’t able to make it, we should have a video of it that I can post pretty soon.

Now here’s the part where I say goodbye and might not post for a month or so… I don’t want to have to leave y’all hanging again, but the above statement will probably be somewhat true, because I am super busy, and honestly I don’t even have time for this post, but I just wanted be able to make some money off of the shirts, since they took a lot of time and money, and I also just love you guys and wanted to stop in and say “hi,” and also get the chance for you guys to buy some cool t-shirts. Wow! That was a long sentence; too much run-ons, I know…

Love you guys! Talk to me! -Ezra

Posted in changes, Music, Uncategorized

A Look at the Past + Music Update

A Look at the Past + Music Update

Hey friends! Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Honestly, I just couldn’t think of things to post about. Today, I wanted to make a post since it’s been a while but I couldn’t really think of what to post about, so it’s just kinda going to be one of those posts I do every once in a while about my life and stuff.

First of all I just wanted to take a look into the past of this blog. We are improving so much. For me, I’ve gotten better with grammar, punctuation, word choice, graphic designing, length of posts consistency (mostly), and just overall content.

I want you guys to do something for me. Look at any one of my posts from January 2019 and before. I want to show you how much this blog has improved. I am almost embarrassed with every single post I made before then, and a few after, but that’s okay. Each one of us gets better as time goes on. Back then, I had no idea what I was doing. I have learned so much more.

One of the greatest reasons that I’m getting so much better is because of the role models I have had. Any of you guys who have been blogging longer than me, I want to thank you for setting example for younger bloggers like myself. And that is one of my goals as a blogger now. I want to set an example for newer bloggers, who don’t know what they’re getting into. You don’t have to be a pro at the beginning, it’s just important that you stick to it, and you will learn and develop as time goes on.

So, please take a look at one of my first posts and compare it to one of my newer ones, and you’ll see what I mean. 😀


Now, let’s talk about music. So, as most of you know, I’m in two bands. One is called Indigo Halo, it is a rock band that I play electric guitar in. Then I have my youth group band, where I play the bass in. I’m going to give you guys an overview of each band and what is going on in them.

Indigo Halo:

Indigo Halo
Yes, we changed the logo again. XD

You may or may not know that we have a new member as of last year. My cousin is now on the bass, which I used to play, and I now play electric. My grandpa and I are both the electric guitar players, my brother is the drummer, my sister is on keys, and my cousin play the bass. Our mom and her siblings used to be in a band with our grandpa when they were kids, and now that they’re grown, us kids now have a band.

So, the genre is mostly rock. We do a little pop/punk here and there, but we are mostly rock. You may have noticed, since technology is so good these days, nobody really plays rock instruments that much. My grandpa really likes older rock, so sometimes if we play covers then we’ll play Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Credence Clearwater, and lots of other old rock. These days we don’t do very many covers though. We’re mostly just playing originals.

Speaking of writing songs. We have written about 4 songs in the past 5 months, that we have been practicing a lot on. So, this summer we are going to use our best song and come out with a single, we might do an EP but we’re planning on just doing a single. So, once that is out, then I will let you guys know, and I can probably sell it to you guys for about 3 bucks.

We are having a concert this summer also. We did the same thing last year. So, every year there is a festival in our grandpa’s home town, it’s a small town, so not that many people, but it’s still cool. Last year they had about 60 people. Anyway, they asked us to come back and play this year. We are going to be selling CDs and T-shirts at it. This is what the T-shirts will look like:

I can also probably sell some of those to you guys. But anyways, we have about 6 original songs that we will probably be playing for that concert, and then if people beg for more then we’ll play a cover XD.

We will probably have an actual full album by next winter. So, I’m super excited to keep working on that. Also we are planning on doing a few small gigs here and there this spring.

Youth group band:

Well, there’s not that much to say about this. We are just now starting back after the winter break, because our band leader actually had a baby girl during winter break! So, congrats to him! But that’s kinda why we didn’t get back to band until now.

I’m not playing tonight, but I will next week, because we have our first practice on Sunday. We kinda had a band meeting last Sunday, but we didn’t actually practice. I’m playing bass for our youth band currently. If we find someone else who can play bass then I’ll just switch to electric, but for now I’m the only one who can play the bass. We have about 15 songs that we’ll be playing throughout the spring, our leader created a Spotify playlist, which I’m listening to right now, it helps us to be able to just get right to playing since we know the songs so well.

Well, that’s pretty much all for today. Thank you so much for reading! I’m wanting to do another genealogy post sometime soon, so be on the lookout. If you haven’t already then make sure to smash that follow button, so that you don’t miss out on any more awesome upcoming posts! 🙂

Do you think I’ve improved as a blogger?

Do you notice yourself improving as a blogger?

Are you in a band? If so, what instrument do you play?

Let’s talk!!

Last post: Receive and Release (What I learned at WM)

God bless!!!! -Ezra

Buh Bye!(8)
It’s still God talking through me, but he’s nice and let’s me take credit for what is his. 😉

Posted in Music, Uncategorized

Music! (What I Love About it How I got started ect.)

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Hello everybody! I am super pumped up for this post. It was an idea from another awesome fellow blogger Meredith down at her blog Artsy Arrow, it’s a super cool site! 😀 So what I’m gonna do is list some of my favorite music artist and kinda my story of how I got started with music. Also I’ll put a link to some of my favorite songs. Anyway lets get to it!

My Music Story 🎶

Okay so I have always loved music and I wanted to be a musician when I grew up. I used to play with my brother when I was little like we were musicians he would bang on buckets with pencils and I would grab  some long stick or something and pretend I was playing the guitar. I don’t really remember why I loved music so much when I was little, but I think it was because my uncle was the worship leader at the church I went to and I thought it was awesome!

Anyway after a few years of being obsessed with music (btw my favorite artist was TobyMac) I started to get sorta obsessed with basketball. Because my friends kinda showed me how to play and I got pretty good. I wanted to be in the NBA. Meanwhile my grandpa was giving me bass guitar lessons because he is obsessed with rock and used to be in a rock band. And I liked learning the bass but it wasn’t like a big dream to be a musician.

After many years of being on basketball teams and practicing a lot I was still not as good as most kids my age. And I practiced like 2-3 hours a day. I finally realized it would be to hard to get into the NBA especially because I was so short (and still am). But I think God kinda made me give up on that dream for a reason that reason is music! So after a while I totally started doing more and more practice with music. And at the time I did not have an instrument so I had to use my grandpa’s when I went to his house every week to practice. Him and my siblings and I started a little band. He played guitar, I played bass, my sister played keys, and my brother played drums. My grandpa is such a musician, he can play like every rock instrument so he taught all of us.

So after like a year and a half of playing the bass I decided I wanted to learn guitar but I would still play bass for the band. So I didn’t have a guitar but my brother wanted an electric drum-set and I wanted a guitar. Luckily I actually had like $400 because my dad wanted me to save until I could find something to invest in so I had saved for like 3-4 years. So I was able to buy a guitar and drum-set! This was like exactly a year ago. So I started to kinda teach myself to play guitar from YouTube and stuff like that. After a while I got pretty good. My band with my siblings and grandpa is still alive, and we practice every week. We’ve had about like 2 concerts and we will have 1 or 2 this year. Also my siblings and I played for a bunch of people once when my grandpa wasn’t there. I have even done some singing in various concerts. It’s awesome! Also my brother and I write songs together and play them together quite a bit.

Also I forgot to mention I taught myself a little drums, but I’m not near as good as my brother (he’s like really good, plus he’s only 11)! Anyway also at the beginning of this school year I started doing a music class where I was learning baritone. But that got really boring for me (I am made to rock)🎸so I quit. And that just about wraps up my music story.


My Favorite Music Artists!

That about sums up my favorites!

Some great songs!

Those are just a few of my favorite songs! 😀

Anyhow that was super fun! I hope you liked it! 😀 I’ll c-ya later! -Ezra


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